a basic question about movement actions and utility

By jack_px, in Game Mechanics

movement actions
Movement actions are used to manoeuvre from one place to another. A character can only undertake movement actions on his turn. Characters who have the Immobilised condition
cannot perform movement actions.
utIlIty actions
Utility actions are used to execute a variety of tasks such as aiming or using skills. A character can only perform utility actions on his turn.

after reading this i got a question, so if you use a movement action or a utility action, ¿after doing it, you cant do any other tipe of action? (like attack and things like that)

¿can you move, attack, then move again? thnks in advance

Edited by jack_px

It's to distinguish movement and utility actions from reactions. Attacks, Movement, and Utility actions can only be performed on your own turn, while Reactions can be done on other players' turns.

I actually had to open up the rulebook to check this and it turns out this section is very poorly worded. FFG should reword these sections.

Also we don't put upside-down question marks at the beginning of questions in English.

Which is too bad really, it's actually really helpful as signal in writing structure, but alas, no.

so you can move, attack and then move right?

so you can move, attack and then move right?

Yes, as long as you have the AP to do so and it is your turn.