Stun + Quick Shot?

By PetriH3, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

A simple question that I haven't seen answered... How many times does a stunned master Manticore with Quick Shot attack?

The Master Manticore may make one half-action, either move or attack.

Quickshot gives you two attacks per attack half-action.

Thus, if stunned he may move or may attack twice.

Or four times oif you play "Rage".

Ok, thanks! That makes perfect sense.

Technically, if you play Rage, he can take a move half-action and still attack four times. Rage gets you up to 2 attacks (4 with Quickshot) even if you were previously entitled to zero, as per the gathered list of answered questions and Lieutenants raging when performing battle or run actions.

Interesting observation. This is a good example of the flaws inherant in Descent being written as a closed system.