Making Pushing Tempting

By Togath, in Game Mechanics

So as my player group comprehensively edits the beta rules pdf so we can keep running our campaign for now, we came up with a way to make pushing tempting to psykers.

Give every power a push feature. Something special and unique and "overcharged" about every one that makes that choice of whether or not to risk the near-certain chance of phenomena in the hopes of getting a spectacular result. This would of course replace the bonus PL mechanic, a mechanic I have always thought was rather tame feeling for channeling too much of the warp out of desperation.

Examples might include an increased rate of fire, adding a blast value, adding a special quality to an attack, making dominate apply to more than one person, allowing endurance to cure crits, allow assail to throw the person it inflicts damage to, change the fear on terrify to flee, make warp speed also give you an extra AP, etc.

Pushing can make a concrete difference in what you do as a psyker, but is it worth the phenomena you almost certainly inflict on yourself and those around you?

I like it, I will put this to the group and see if we can come up with some cool alternatives to the psyker abilities.

Funnily enough, this is exactly what I've done in my own thread on this, and I've also added minor manifestations to each power as well. So, given that, I think this is a brilliant idea...

I, too, thought this would be a good idea, making Push bonuses similar to the old Overbleed bonuses. Currently, there's almost no reason to Push.

I also think the penalty to focus power tests when Pushing is counter-intuitive and unnecessary.

Agreed, hence this thought.

I am currently editing a copy of my pdf to make House-ruled version that incorporates all of the changes I like and all of Update 3 because I am totally OCD I guess. As I do so I am adding/inventing push effects. I can perhaps list some here later if I get around to it.