Game still "alive"? & Hastur questions

By durek_7, in Call of Cthulhu LCG

A few local friend and I are looking into this game for a couple of month but can't find anywhere to buy it.

Is it still a supported game?

Will there be a reprint or re-release?

Will there be a new edition?

Thanks in advance, also Love the King in Yellow which legal expansions are good fro that faction.

Huh? You can buy it from pretty much anywhere that sells games. If your local store doesn't have it on the shelves they can easily order it through their distributor. Yes, the game is still here, still supported, and still receiving new releases. Terror in Venice, the latest expansion just came out and the next expansion which is a Syndicate faction box was recently announced.

Any individual expansions that go out of stock get scheduled for reprints, it's not generally an issue. No expansion for any LCG has ever gone permanently out of print and there's enough to keep you busy until the one you want gets new copies made.

No reason to expect a new edition, what would it be for?

There's a great online deck builder here:

If you set the filters to just show the Hastur faction you can browse through and look for cards that interest you. Most people start with the Core set and then get Secrets of Arkham or possible Terror in Venice for a first expansion. ALL expansions are legal, that's one of the advantages of an LCG over a CCG - none of them are ever cycled out or expired. Personally, I think the last few boxed expansions have had some pretty good cards for Hastur - you may also want to look at some of the Lunatic characters but it can vary depending on the type of deck you want to play.

I don't know when it will be, but when the faction box for Hastur comes out you'll definitely want that. We know Syndicate is next in approximately 3 1/2 months, and so far they've been alternating human/mythos so if that pattern keeps the next one will be either Hastur, Shub, or Cthulhu.

All 3 local stores dont have it stock and their distributors dont have it stock (im in Canada btw).

FFG online store is showing as not available. so I wasnt sure if there was a revision, edition change.

Thx for the info and for advice :)

Were not really competitive group and like MoM and Arkham Horror. Will it still be a good game for casual players?

It's such a fun game - casual or competitive. It's my favourite card game. I'd highly recommend it.

Just buy one Core set and try it out. For your first game just pick two factions and put them together to make one deck, and have your opponent do the same, and go at it!

Don't worry about your decks being undersized or differently sized (with some of the factions in the Core set having slightly more/less cards than others). Next game you can add in some of the neutral cards from the Core set to your two-faction deck, to get up to the legal minimum of 50 cards per deck. Then if you like the game, you can buy deluxe expansions, asylum packs or extra copies of the Core set to increase your card options when coming up with your own deck, adding even more fun and excitement to the game.

No you don't. The Core set comes with six standard size Cthulhu domain marker statuettes, which is pretty much all you need for a two-player game as you'll usually only have three domains each. (Some cards like Eldritch Nexus allow you to gain an additional domain, taking a card from the top of your deck as a new/fourth domain card, so you may need an extra marker when that occurs... but you can just use anything lying around like a coin, dice, etc. to do the job. You could buy a Bag of Cthulhu for this, but if you buy an additional Core set - as most people eventually do - then you'll have plenty of extra statuettes that you can use in this situation or for use if you wish to play Cthulhu multiplayer style.)

Those large Cthulhu Domain Statues are out of print now, so it's very hard to find one let alone three. I bought a set just because they look cool, but it turns out they're a bit fragile being made of ceramic - none of them survived the trip through the post without at least one of the obelisks breaking. (I'd like to see FFG re-release these in more resilient plastic resin.)

One thing that you won't find in the Core set is dedicated domain cards (which you used to be able to get back in the Call of Cthulhu CCG days, or have been available to win in regional and national tournaments in these LCG days)... but you can substitute any old card for these. Just grab three leftover cards each from the Core set that neither play is using in their deck, and turn them upside down to serve as domain cards.

No worries. Hope you enjoy the game!

With those statues, I think you'll find Paizo have had them sitting on 'backorder' for years now, sorry to report.

This game doesn't have a large following where I'm at. It's kind of upsetting really, as I love this theme. Magic is huge here, and there are efforts to make netrunner take off (big fan of that one), but no one I've talked to in the game shops here has ever played this. The core set I have is relegated to family use. Sad really, as I'd love to be able to play it enough to get deep into all the expansions.

With Halloween just around the corner, it'd be a great time to talk to your FLGC (friendly local game store) that sells this line about hosting a Call of Cthulhu demo night, if you're able to bring along your Core Set and teach people.

It would help if the store owner was willing to crack a box too and help demo, so you could have up to four initiates playing at a time (two 2-player games) while the two of you teach. Suggest that he sell the product at a discount on the night to try to get sales, too, and to talk up the potential of running a league if there's interest. Offering free stuff on the night (as cheap as halloween lollies, or as valuable as a Call of Cthulhu core set as a lucky door prize) usually helps gets punters in the door, too.

Edited by jasonconlon

Still alive here!

There are more regular CoC players in Louisville than AGoT.

This is all great. Now where can I buy the game. The only online "dealer" who has it is an amazon seller who is selling it for $10 over retail.

and not even the fantasy flight web site has it available. Sort of hard to believe a game is alive when even the manufacturers site doesn't sell the core. also makes it sort of difficult to get one to play

Noble Knight Games has the Core set in stock for $34.99. Time Well Spent has 1 last copy in stock for $27.09. Not as cheap as Miniature Market or CSI, but if you want it now those are probably your best bet until February or March.

Awesome. Thanks for the heads up. Never dealt with time well spent before. I suppose its appropriate to delve into obscure and remote locations to find a game about arcane lore and knowledge man was not meant to know....


While I haven't ordered from Time Well Spent, I've known about them for awhile. They get good reviews on BGG and have a solid reputation.

And welcome to Cthulhu, it's an excellent game.