How much xp cost to purchase extra wound threshold or actions beyond your career max?

By Emirikol, in WFRP Rules Questions

Can't find the reference. Someone help please. How much xp cost to purchase extra wound threshold or actions beyond your career max?

All I can find is talents and skills for out of career or beyond career max.

I can't find any references beyond the basics (pg 43-45 of the player's guide) -- after lots of pdf searching. Appears 1 + the number listed in the advances box is the max for any career. So a soldier could only increase his light wound threshold +3 during his career. A student could only increase +1. The wording implies you can only acquire skills and talents outside of the career -- that don't count towards completion (non-career advances).

So the options are:

  • general career advances (4 mandatory)
  • career advances (up to six)
  • non-career advances (only two?)
  • characteristic upgrades (special -- replaces career advances)