Aragorn (lore) and Desperate Alliance - MP trick

By Pongle, in Rules questions & answers

Interesting fun for all your multiplayer sessions!

> Question concerning Aragorn (TWitW) and Desperate Alliance.

> I know that there was a previous ruling with Landroval that said that in a multiplayer game each player could trigger Landroval's ressurect ability ("once per game").
> Does this same philosophy work with Aragorn's threat reset ability? If I pass him to another player during Refresh using Desperate Alliance, can that player use his threat reset ability as that player's "once per game" limitation, and then I could use his threat reset ability with my own "once per game" limitation?


Good question. The rule about "once per game" ability on Landroval applies to all player cards. The "once per game" ability on Aragorn applies to the player not the card. So, if another player gains control of Aragorn, that player may trigger his ability as well.

Desperate Alliance now looks a lot nicer! Sadly that's the only 'Once per game' hero ability that can be used this way.

Edited by monkeyrama

Wow, I didn't know that! As a Lore/Spirit player, this will certainly help my Leadership/Tactics-favouring friends.

Wow.... Loragorn, you rock my socks off.

Good idea. Aragorn Secrecy deck can help to reduce threat to high threat warrior partner deck

I still can't believe that's legal. Honestly that combo maybe better than Sneak Gandalf.

This is incredibly powerfull and I am very surprised that it is legal... But since it obviously is (at least at the moment), I will have to build new decks! ;-)