New "4d" Westeros Map/Puzzle

By Spike1382, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

I've been drooling over it for months now plan on making a larger game map using these pieces, I'm enlarging one map from the fire a nice map set so that it will be 30 inches by 60 inches

I've been drooling over it for months now plan on making a larger game map using these pieces, I'm enlarging one map from the fire a nice map set so that it will be 30 inches by 60 inches

That sounds pretty awesome to me. Hopefully there will be pics.

yes I'm making a eight player with all the major houses, in many of the minor houses this will be more of a campaign level game each house will have their own intrigue cards., And there will be not only military campaigns, but political and intrigue,

Im going to do a complete tutorial with lots of pictures

all nine of the major houses will be in the game if they're not backed by a player the house is still played through a mechanism of having their own reaction card deck to the politics accordingly, opposing certain houses supporting other houses , they can lend support, and even attack,

In this game instead of just capturing strongholds, players consolidate the minor houses in their region first, and then begin to expand into other house regions, they can marry off one of their clan to create a stronger alliance with a minor house, they can bribe minor houses to join them.

The position on court also is much more powerful, whoever sits on the iron throne gets Kings Landing, three ships, two armies. Next is the hand of the king, they get an additional Army and one ship , next is the master of coin ( using the plastic tokens from the GOT card game) they are able to collect a gold coin for most of the transactions that take place. Following that is the master of lore, they get to choose an extra house card,

The master of whispers the Raven track, for the first four positions has benefits, and same with the Valeane sword, giving military abilities to the first four players on the track.

Instead of the event deck triggering a reshuffle of one of these tracts the house intrigue cards accomplish this so that the players can initiate intrigue plots, for bumping themselves up the track or reshuffling the entire track. There are assassination cards and expose plot cards that prevent intrigue plots from hatching.

I like the basic game but it didn't give me the Depth that the books or even the TV show had so I've been working on both visually re-creating Westros and making a rule set that has all the plots within plots storyline taking place.

Wow, neat! I look forward to seeing those rules, yosefbender. :)

Sounds pretty awesome, can't wait to see it!

just got the puzzle they are finally out in stores, few minor problems to deal with: their a bit smaller than I had hoped so I'm going to have to change the scaling on other things that I was going to add with it,

the castle pieces have an extra quarter of an inch that fits down in the top layer of the puzzle I'm not going to use the puzzle pieces to make my map so I'm going to have to grind down that extra quarter of an inch cause the castles look weird with it on.

The bonus is that it comes with a miniature iron throne so I have a 3-D display for the iron throne track I've already got a little plastic raven for the Master of whispers track and a sword for the Valerin sword track.

but I'm making the tracks a little more interesting. Going to use the game of thrones card game plastic tokens pieces it will go as following:

1. Position one iron throne track gains the crown token, gets Kings Landing supply and influence benefits of Kings Landing, two ships, two Royal armies, and the existing rules of first place and arbitrator of ties ,4 influence tokens next time bidding on any tracks

small counsel positions two through four

2. Hand of the king position 3 on the iron throne track gets one Army one ship two influence tokens when bidding

on any tracks

3. Master of Coin, ( adding currency to the game) position three get one gold coin on any kingdom related tranaction 2 infulance tokens

4. Master of Lore position 4, +1 influence on bidding on tracks,

positions 5- 8 ( making my hous rules to accompany all eight major houses the ninth house Arryan is always a wildcard NPC

are considered to be in the king's court.

The sword track gets the following

First position gets the sword + 2 to combat and all the stars that are on the Raven track are transferred over to the sword track as they deal with military abilities.

positions 2-4 get stars accordingly, anything after that no bonus

The master of whispers or Raven track is as follows (I'm adding treachery cards to the game that allow players to hatch plots, assassinate, and do nonmilitary actions through every phase of the game.all the intrigue of the book and the TV show is added in through the treachery cards. Until you can get your people on the tracks i.e. Kings Landing you quietly have to work behind the scenes with plots and plans.

first position, gets to look at the top card of the treachery deck, can have 8 cards in treachery deck hand nstead of five hand limit, all characters in their house get A +3 to there ability to foil plots against them. and upon taking office immediately can draw two cards.

second position, can have 7 cards in their hand and their house gets A + 2 to defense against treachery +3 influence tokens if bidding on this track

third position , six cards in their hand gets A + 1 defense against treachery for entire house plus 2 influence tokens if bidding on this track

fourth position gets a +1 defense against treachery for the person holding that office

positions five through eight get no bonus. +1 influence token if bidding on this track.