Arrive on planet. Contact the Planetary Governor's Seneschal. Pick up a package. Leave with it. Don't let anybody know about the last two things.
Our Rogue Trader's player unexpectedly (well, unless you've ever heard him talk about his working conditions) has to work on his day off. As such, we rule that for the duration of the mission the Rogue Trader has built a swimming pool of drugs, and is rolling around in it.
My explorator buys a Chainsword, upgrades it to Best quality. (You only need fifteen degrees of success on a crafting check to hit Best, so I took two weeks and rolled seven hits each time, then spent a fate to add one more.)
Our Voidmaster buys a broken, what's it called-? Renumerator Engine? An anti-cheating gambling device. With my help, he polishes it up to make it look functional.
Our Archmilitant attempts to become buddies with the local PDF, in an attempt to make his way up the ladder that way. No successes. Gets shot at by underhive hangs.
Our Missionary falls asleep. For two weeks. Guy has a habit of just sitting at the table and listening quietly without taking actions.
Voidmaster and Archmilitant begin hatching a plan to start a gang war. My explorator questions them about this plan of action, and apparently it was part of the plan to see the Lord Governor, but I have no idea how it was supposed to work or help.
My Explorator visits the local Magos, talks shop with him for a bit. I show him the golden chainsword with the governor's face on it, he admires the craftsmanship, shows me his hybrid hound-apes. I ask about the muscle augmentation tech he used, and we agree to trade the research data for some rare creatures. I make a note to acquire rare creatures and return. After verifying that he is
in the solid gold chainsaw industry and I won't be stepping on any toes, I ask him to arrange a meeting with the Planetary Governor. (It's worth noting that while the RT could've just asked the Governor to meet him, I wanted to establish a solid cover story)
This all goes as planned, with us securing a weapons contract with the govenor, and meeting with the Seneschal to retrieve the package location. It's hidden in the sewers. We go down there and kill a witch and some mutants that we bump into. We don't really give them a chance to speak once they pull weapons, so it's unclear if they were waiting for us or just random sewer mooks. My plasma cannon performs very well for itself, although it's the Voidmaster's bolter that kills the witch. There's some warp silliness during the fight, but nothing serious. The package turns out to be the Lord Govenor's family sword (no wonder he needed a new one!), a datapad, and a secure datapad. The unsecure datapad says something like "DO NOT OPEN THE SECURE DATAPAD." We consider opening the secure datapad, but ultimate decide that we should do the job we're being paid for, because the secure datapad will
explode if broken into.
We return with the package, but before we can leave, an INQUISITOR demands to search the ship! I briefly consider solving more problems with my plasma cannon. We have one of the senior techpriests hide the sword and datapad on himself and scuttle into the drive chambers. We let him search the ship. He demands access to the drive chambers. I refuse, stating that he has free reign within the Imperium of Man- the domain of the machine is outside his jurisdiction. He blusters, demands to be let in again. I consider killing everyone. I consider saying "Terms acceptable" and pushing him unshielded into the reactor. I warn him about the dangers of displeasing the machine spirits, and offer to show him around after he's searched for weapons. He finds nothing.
After a few more days of searching, he still finds nothing, admits that we're free to go, and returns to the planet. While re-entering atmosphere, his engine overloads and the shuttle is destroyed. Official cause of death is listed as "Displeased Machine Spirits." Upon hearing the news, my explorator grins and finishes welding various gears and tubes from his shuttle into a nice little art piece.
Can't wait to see what our rogue trader thinks of this. We're attending the funeral next session.