First Play Report.

By JetBlackPanda, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Last night I ran my brother in law and sister through most of the Beginner box for Edge Of The Empire. It was a huge success. I had a blast being the GM. The advantage and threat system allows you to really narrate the action based on dice rolls.

I had a player roll 4 advantages but missed his shot, I explained that the storm trooper dodged out of the way but got tripped up in the dirt and fell to a knee. this allowed another player to run up and use a vibro axe and took the poor guys head right off. (also rolling an advantage die)

I am fairly new to role playing but Ive run some Pathfinder games and some Dragon Age games. I like every system I have played so far but the narrative dice are pretty neat IMHO.

My players also made a deal with the droid at the junk shop to steal the part for the ship for them in return they have to bring the droid with them off the planet. Kind of cool and this stuff really feels like Star Wars.

If I can find one more player to join us I will be buying the Core Rule book.

edit: The one place I get a little stuck on is when they are trying to make a check like slicing a computer and roll a TON of advantage but still fail. what do you guys usually do for that stuff? I realise the players can choose to use that advantage however they want within reason and I want them to but this group is brand new to role playing so I kind of have to lead them with some stuff.

Edited by JetBlackPanda


I am about to run the beginners box tomorrow with a group. If we make it though the beginners box and everyone is still interested in playing I will be buying the core rule box myself. I would check out about trying to get a group together. Thats what I am doing and so far so good (as long as everyone shows up).

So for your problem, I would say if they failed the slice but had a lot of advantage I would do something like "You failed the slice but cracked most of the code and gain +X boost dice on next attempt of slicing that computer" Or they learn something that could help them.