Question about Chests!

By Hooner, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Are there any houe rules about chests out there? I'm mostly concerned about the rule that states "Heroes gain treasure from opened chests no matter where they are (even if they are in town). After playing the first few rooms of the "Into The Dark" from the core game we've come to realize that spreading out your heros so that you can keep line of sight to as much area as possible it seems a bit unbalanced that someone standing across the room from the chest can suddenly have say a Magic Sword in his possession while standing guard against spawning creatures. Just wondering if maybe they should need to make there way over to the chest to take a turn to see if theres anything in there for them (drawing a card).

Also, a question reguarding monster spawning. Once the 4 heroes have stationed themselves around a room/s so that the OL can no longer spawn in a monster, is the OL allowed to spawn in monsters behind the heroes once they have finished up looting the room and have started to advance (so that spawnable squares in the room become available) deeper into the next rooms?

What say thee?


Sorry man, thems the breaks. When a chest is opened (and distributed, since mimics can hold that up) everyone gets treasure...even if a trap triggered by the chest kills a hero...loot is distributed.

As for spawning, smart heroes will in fact cover as many lines of sight to avoid spawning as they possibly can. Sometimes as ol, you have to be patient and wait until you have a good chance to spawn. You can spawn in areas heroes have left, on the other side of rubble or doors or anything else that blocks line of sight. Try to be clever about this. Try suggesting to your heroes that they close a door to slow down other monsters you have, and then drop a beastman war party right on top of them and just walk on through.

And the first quest is going to make things seem pretty darn easy for the heroes,'s designed to make things pretty darn easy. It's an intro quest. They start to get harder as you go along. As you get better (and they do), the limits on spawning and the fact that everyone gets treasure at once won't seem quite so overpowered.

It has come to my attention that running a monster to close a door so you can spawn behind it is a pretty sweet deal, they can waste time killing the monster and opening the door back, or run ahead, and you get to spawn a greeting party (which will catch up the next time they run in a heavy resistance).

One thing to keep in mind, too, is the fact that the heroes spreading themselves out like that means that they're also relatively isolated from each other. It becomes a lot easier to pick off one of the heroes without much fear of reprisal from the others. Mind you, that's in Vanilla Descent. In RtL the heroes can often get LoS to all spaces in the dungeon.

Thanks for the responses. I agree that because we have just started things need to be easyish for the heroes in the beginning. No worries. I'm patience. And as the might Coheed and Cambria says in the song Hound (of Blood And Rank), them Heroes are the ones "Who Deserve Every Ounce Of What's Coming"!
