Proposal for a Martial Arts Talent tree

By GauntZero, in Game Mechanics

Inspired by the idea of a Martial arts tree, I tried to make up a concept how this might look like.

One prerequisite is, that Unarmed Attacks against enemies armed with melee weapons, get -20; furthermore Unarmed RoF is reduced to WS/2-1.

200 XP Talents:

> Street Fighting: +2 to attacks with knives

> Grappling: allows the grappling attack action (including inflicting fatigue, taking human shields or putting on manacles)

> Pugilist: adds + Strength/2 to unarmed damage

400 XP Talents:

> Unarmed Warrior: needs Strert fighting or Pugilist; RoF Unarmed becomes WS/2; attacks against armed opponents only -10

> Guardian: needs unarmed Warrior; may as 1 AP Reaction change position with an ally in up to 2m distance if he passes an Agility Test; the ally goes prone and the guardian is hit instead the guarded

> Wrestling: needs Grappling; +10 on Grappling attacks and all opposed test with grappling

> Sneak Attack: needs Street fighting; attacks against surprised targets with unarmed or knives get Vengeance (8) or their Vengeance improved by 2 steps if they already have it

600 XP Talents:

> Unarmed Master: needs unarmed warrior; no penalty against armed opponents; may parry unarmed; unarmed attacks gain Tearing

> Silent Killer: needs Sneak attack; improves Vengeance by 2 steps

Just a first concept though...

One prerequisite is, that Unarmed Attacks against enemies armed with melee weapons, get -20; furthermore Unarmed RoF is reduced to WS/2-1.

If a character has <30 WS, this means their unarmed RoF would be 0 (I'm assuming you meant WSb, not WS). WSb/2-1, to a minimum of 1 (or 1/2 if you prefer).

Not sure about the knockdown effect of Guardian. Some people don't like talents that negatively affect others, even if there is a positive. This is why Psykers are much maligned in some circles.

I like the idea of an unarmed talent tree, especially when you take the effect that carrying weapons has on your Subtlety.

I think that is before you buy talents. As in you are a unarmed fighter that doesn't know any unarmed moves to save your life. So yeah I can see a -20 againsted armed foes. Unarmed warrior reduces it to -10 while unarmed master gets rid of it.

Now I am wondering if it is 1d5 untrained that will eventually become 1d10 + Sb/2 at master.

Would also be an interesting option.

Maybe even adding a "Pen" could make sense, to reflect the ability to find weak spots in the armour.

I think the disarm ability should be in here honestly. That seems like the goal of being armed should be to strip your opponents weapon during the fight.

I think the disarm ability should be in here honestly. That seems like the goal of being armed should be to strip your opponents weapon during the fight.

Maybe even Takedown.

Edited by GauntZero

Simsum made this point elsewhere, but the problem with Talents like Disarm and Takedown are they disarming someone and knocking them to the floor are basic combat maneuvers. Anyone can say, "I'm going to try to knock his gun out of his hand", but if Disarm is a Talent and you don't have it, you can't do that (RAW). If things like that are to be included, they should be basic combat options, MAYBE with Talents improving them.