I have a question concerning a neutral character card, the Halflings of D'haz. According to the text box: "The loser of any *combat* struggle in which Halflings of D'haz participated must receive an additional wound for each icon by which the struggle was lost." Last night, I committed to two different stories with the Halflings of D'haz committed to one of them. I chose to resolve that story first, and my opponent didn't have any *combat* icons, so I dealt the initial wound from the icon struggle and then had 5 more wounds to inflict on my opponent. He only had two characters committed to that story and two more committed to the other. My question is, since he had 5 wounds coming his way from the Halflings of D'haz, would he have had to distribute those wounds to 5 of his characters in general, or only to those committed to the same story as the one the Halflings were committed to? We consulted the FAQ but it only said that the loser can't 'double up' the wounds on a single character. Any clarification would be of great help.