You can make an unarmed attack to grapple someone with 2 AP.
This is an opposed WS test - if you win, the opponent is grappled, if he cannot evade.
A grappled person counts as dazed.
A grappled person can break free with 2AP and a successful opposed Strength test or Acrobatics test.
If breaking free has 3+ DoS, the grapple can even be taken over and the former grappler is now grappled himself.
To maintain a grapple costs 2AP each turn.
While grappling someone, you can do the following actions:
- inflict 1 Fatigue with 2 AP and a succesful opposed Strength test
- let go
- use the grappled as human cover with 2 AP and a succesful opposed strength test
In this case, it is no longer counted as being in melee. The grappled remains in this position unless the grappler decides otherwise or the grappled breaks free
- put manacles or ropes on the grappled with an succesful opposed WS test and 2 AP
- move the grappled by 1m with 1 AP and a succesful opposed strength test
- other attacks on the target are only possible, if it is in the human cover position (knife at the throat or pistol to the head)
Edited by GauntZero