Ordo Xenos Supplement Thread

By Cogniczar, in Dark Heresy House Rules

First Alternate Career Draft:


"We do a more conceptual sort of soldiering. We fight the dark army of forgetting that threatens our history."

-Nicodemus Rhys, Conservator

It is known to the Holy Ordos that amongst the greatest of powers come not from weapons or armies but rather mastery of ancient knowledge. Thus it was the Imperial Conservators were charged originally with seeking out legendary lost human artifacts. In time, its mission expanded to include any ancient object that was either technological or religious from any culture so long as it empowered the Imperium. They studied cultures through their histories and what they left behind, piecing together lost bits of knowledge in the hopes of discerning from them the 'why' behind the Dark Age of Technology. Since the dark days of the Horus Heresy, the division of Imperial Conservators has fragmented and is now sub sized various pockets of the Adeptus Terra.

Conservator divisio's are scarce in the 41st Millennium - funded and directed largely through the efforts of the Adeptus Administratum, Ecclesiarchy, and Mechanicus to focus on the aspects important to each of the three massive organizations; an accreditation of history, the religious implications of the past, and of course, the technological remnants that could potentially further the Quest of Knowledge. These divisio's technically fall under the Imperial Navy generally, and are comprised of a mixed group of scholars and archaeologists that work alongside the experienced officers that were trained in history. They are sometimes regarded with suspicion or even derision by the rank-and-file. However, senior officials are well aware of the potential of the Conservators in turning the tide in sector conflicts and to curry favor. Thus, these diviso's work on Imperium-controlled worlds where their patrons dedicate resources and use their authority to oversee massive excavations if evidence suggests that valuable artifacts are going to be unearthed.

Becoming a Conservator

Having embraced the ideologies of the Conservator and having the mind that seeks to uncover and bring to light the mysterious of the ancient world, it is easy for potential Acolytes of the Ordo to fully commit to the Conservator's mission.

Required Career: Any Career

Alternate Rank: Rank 1 or higher

Advance Cost Type Prerequisites

Barter 100 S -

Barter+10 100 S Barter

Charm 100 S -

Deceive 100 S -

Deceive+10 100 S Deceive

Evaluate 100 S -

Evaluate+10 100 S Evaluate

Inquiry 100 S -

Inquiry+10 100 S Inquiry

Scholastic Lore (Archaic) 100 S -

Scrutiny 100 S -

Search 100 S -

Search+10 100 S Search

Trade (Technomat) 100 T Fel 30

Exotic Weapon Training 100 T -

Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) 200 S Int 40

Intimidate 200 S -

Tech-Use 200 S -

Foresight 200 T Int 30

Iron Discipline 200 T WP30, Command

Pilot (Flyers) 500 S -

Edited by Cogniczar

You should add scholasticore legends and trade archeologist.