Training a skill twice in the same career and all that it entails

By princeearwig, in WFRP Rules Questions

While I wait for our GM to decide for himself (and because I can be an impatient so and so sometimes) I thought I would ask this question on here.

Now, I am sure we all know that a skill can only be bought once per rank, and that rank is determined by total experience points earned.

So it is eminently possible to enter a career in one rank and meet the subsequent rank at some point during that career.

Which is where my question comes in.

What if you train a skill in your career while you are in say, Rank 2 and when you hit rank 3 train the same skill again.

Well obviously you get the 2nd (or maybe 3rd) expertise dice for training the skill twice...

What about when you purchase your dedication bonus for the career?

Would you get a single specialization for the skill you have "trained" twice or one specialization for each training.

The wording in the rules is pretty plain but doesn't seem to consider the possibility of multiple training's during a single career.

I will obviously ignore what you all say on here if our GM's opinion differs :D but thought it warranted some discussion.

I would say just the one.

The wording doesn't preclude the possibility of you training a skill twice in a single career, it just doesn't give you any additional benefits for doing so. You can train a skill twice in one career to become masterful sooner, but the trade off is that you have rushed things and not learned as many specialisations.

Well think of an Dwarf Engineer, only 2 careers have it as a skill. If you don't have the career at start-up.

So you get all 3 skilled up, you need to take 2 in one career while changing rank.

It wouldn't be fair to penalize someone for this as they don't have any other options, only giving them 2 specialization, 1 per career.

I think 1 per training is the way its meant to be. As long as its a career skill.

[1.]What if you train a skill in your career while you are in say, Rank 2 and when you hit rank 3 train the same skill again.

Well obviously you get the 2nd (or maybe 3rd) expertise dice for training the skill twice...

[2.]What about when you purchase your dedication bonus for the career?

[3.]Would you get a single specialization for the skill you have "trained" twice or one specialization for each training.

[4.]The wording in the rules is pretty plain but doesn't seem to consider the possibility of multiple training's during a single career.

1. I do not get what you mean? Getting the 2nd/3rd die twice? You can only get three dice total so ... I just don't get it.

2. No problem there.

3. You get one specialization per skill that you trained. Training the skill several times doesn't matter.

4. It doesn't consider that because it doesn't matter as stated above.

Well think of an Dwarf Engineer, only 2 careers have it as a skill. If you don't have the career at start-up.

So you get all 3 skilled up, you need to take 2 in one career while changing rank.

It wouldn't be fair to penalize someone for this as they don't have any other options, only giving them 2 specialization, 1 per career.

You can buy specialisations with XP if you want, so they're not being penalised.

Personally I find specialisations pretty useless.

I like them, I incorporate them into my role-play. Coachman with Specialization Ride - Wagons and Specialization Animal Handling - Calm animal.

Well seems a lot of people agree that its one per skill, doesn't matter how many times that skill is trained In the career.

(wording it in simpler English)

[1.]What if you train a skill in your career while you are in say, Rank 2 and when you hit rank 3 train the same skill again.Well obviously you get the 2nd (or maybe 3rd) expertise dice for training the skill twice... [2.]What about when you purchase your dedication bonus for the career?

[3.]Would you get a single specialization for the skill you have "trained" twice or one specialization for each training. [4.]The wording in the rules is pretty plain but doesn't seem to consider the possibility of multiple training's during a single career.

1. I do not get what you mean? Getting the 2nd/3rd die twice? You can only get three dice total so ... I just don't get it. 2. No problem there. 3. You get one specialization per skill that you trained. Training the skill several times doesn't matter. 4. It doesn't consider that because it doesn't matter as stated above.

I was merely clarifying that the situation could be when you are buying your second or third dice in a skill (first and second in one career or second andcthird in one career).

Does seem that most responses so far are erring towards one specialization no matter how many times the skill is trained in one career.

Ta for opinions

So Guys if I am Waywatcher with 9 exp and got ballistic skill trained (1 yellow dice) than i get for example 2 exp 11 total so i am rank 2 now i can train ballistic skill to lvl 2 (2 yellow dice) in Waywatcher carrier or i need to go for advance carrier with ballistic skill to do this?

Once you become rank 2 you can train it, as long as you have the advances left in your career to do it. Some careers limit the amount of skills you can train while in that career.

What I was told you get to train 1 skill for the fixed career advances and you get whatever is on your open career advance limitations on top of that. So for coachman i have a limit of 2. So I can train a max of 3 skills in that career.

ok thx

Edited by malgaf

i got 1 more question. Is it possible to fill 2 NON-carrier slots with thinkgs like wound, action talent and whatever i want or i can just put there skill and non-carrier characteristics?

Only characteristic advances, wounds, talents, actions, and skills (and specializatiosn) can be purchased with non-career advances.

and non career wound, talent, action cost 1 advances am i right?

Good question. Going beyond your fixed advance and your career advances are only detailed for skills (there is no clarification for purchasing extra wound threshold, or actions).

From the player's guide page 45:

Non-Career Advances
Characters have the option to acquire skills and abilities outside
their current career by spending additional advances. However,
spending advances on skills and abilities not listed on the career
card do not count as advances spent toward completing the character’s
current career.
2 Advances: Train a basic skill outside the character’s current career
2 Advances: Acquire a talent outside the character’s current career
4 Advances: Acquire an advanced skill outside the character’s current
4 Advances: Train an advanced skill outside the character’s current
career. Note, the advanced skill must be acquired first.
Beth’s character Birgitta is a roadwarden. She wishes to train in
First Aid, which is a basic skill but not on her career list. It costs her
2 advances to train First Aid, which she notes on her character sheet
in the “Non-Career Advances” workspace. This does not contribute
towards the completion of her roadwarden career.
If Beth also wishes for Birgitta to acquire the Education advanced
skill, she must spend 4 advances. If Beth wishes to acquire a Focus
talent (Roadwarden has Tactic and Reputation slots), it will cost her
2 advances.

From the Errata p 3:

Character Development:
Non-Career Advances
The five boxes listed next to each Non-Career Advance and the two
Non-Career Advance lines are intended as limits, but these can be
easily adapted by GMs should they wish their players to purchase
more than two non-career advances, or invest in advancements that
require more than five advances to acquire.
I recommend that everyone purchase the pdf for the player's guide. It is a great thing to always have access to :)
Edited by Emirikol

Only characteristic advances, wounds, talents, actions, and skills (and specializatiosn) can be purchased with non-career advances.

Your example according to the rules you printed in the post above.Dont mention trained wounds, or taking career skills as a non-career advance do they? or is it a GM allow thing?

Thinking on it could it be for careers that has wounds 0 in their career advance tab, so the same could apply to reckless 0.

They would cost 2 advances?

(Still learning the game, just learnt more on Insanity last night)

The rules specify the following: You cannot buy anything beyond those above limits except : out of career skills, out of career talents. The way that it is written, whatever skill or talent you buy is considered "out of career" even if it was on your skill list once you go beyond your career sheet limit.

You cannot ever buy any extra stance, wound threshold, actions, or fortune dice until you change careers. Good luck finishing a career after that :)

Take a Thief for example: He has "0" in his wounds column, but he can always buy 1 wound from his fixed advances (1 wound, 1 skill, 1 talent, 1 action). Beyond that, you cannot buy extra wounds until you change careers.