sleeving up

By Krawallburste, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

so hello community =)

i came to the conclusion i have to sleeve up my whole game of descent... . since im a foreigner im not so familiar with which sleeves will fit which cards - so i would be very greatful if u would drop some advice


yours krawallbürste

FFG produces card sleeves: even though they are not the cheapest, they are sturdy and adapt perfectly to the FFG cards.
You have the list of needed sleeves available at the shop on this site (the number of packs needed and their type (colour coded per format) is indicated at the bottom of the box).

Ultra-Pro also make fine card sleeves.

I would be very careful with Mayday card sleeves : they are cheaper, but are much less precises in their dimensions - and tend ot wear off easily.

ty alot. found it, bought it. <3