Taking a chaos ship

By Lohandria, in Rogue Trader

in this case i am referring to soul cage in Battle Fleet Kronus and first off there is someone in the group with contacts to 'cleanse' it.

My main question is how would this roughly function in your opinions? My gm will have final say of course i am just trying to wrap my head around it. Fluff wise it said most soul cages are converted imperial transports which i can work with, ill just slowly de-convert it. In the mean time though the parts within it I can not discover their functionality. Gm will probably resolve that just in the mean time i'm trying to picture what it can do.

l ong story short of how i came to have it : my lance was disabled by the chaos cruiser my frigate got lucky against(sadly no salvage options), and luckier soul cage had shut down weapons to give engines enough power to keep up to cruiser but got there late. so as it charged at my frigate i rammed it and boarded, soon taking control. The plan had been sabotage engines n send it into planet down below (reason i was there was to deliver kroot but found chaos worshipers and felt the world must be cleansed) but when i found the slave holds full of colonists, infantry(my barracks was empty) and crew men (i more casualties from warp there than battle. I could tell my gm was throwing me a bone) i did not have the room to carry them all so patched both up n headed to rally point. *it had been a tiny endevour initially but i think my GM wanted to test my new Militant trader

My players also grabbed a converted Chaos transport, though at the time I didn't notice the Soulcage so just gave them a "defiled" Jericho Transport. I had a few cursed components that would inflict penalties on the vessel (e.g. a Slavemaster's Bridge which gave a bonus to Criminal Endeavours but inflicted a severe Morale penalty), and each Cursed component also would force everyone on board to make a Willpower Test every time it entered the Warp or gain 1 Corruption for each bad component.

I then made my players replace all the tainted components, and hire Ministorum priests to bless the ship and excorcise the demons. After that it was just a normal transport.

That would be easier to plan for, though I guess in the end as always it is up to the gm lol

It isnt just priests, it is also specialized Mechanicum -- people who are trained in how to exorcise scrapcode and such.

Techsorcists, if you'll pardon the pun - at least that's what they're called according to Dark Heresy: Daemon Hunter . Whilst the Ecclesiarchy types would also be needed.

There should also be a fair amount of fighting to secure the bilges, 'tweendecks and more obscure bits of the engineering spaces; even if you'e killed or captured the 'crew', a chaos ship is likely to have all sorts of unpleasant lifeforms nesting in the dark holds.

You'd probably want to start by turning off life support and gravity and venting as much of the ship as possible, and leaving it vented with life support off for a while, to get rid of some of the nasties. Lots of chaos aligned things (not all) need to breathe and need warmth and such.

thank you gavinfoxx and magus, gm may pull that card later i should deal with it.(at least a warp jump without issue)

-two other players can help me a techpriest with very 'capable' mechicus ship(mining,factorium and few details i forget)

and i believe the other has inquisitor ties (i assume it was them at least)

if anyone else reads this I've decided to go about working towards making ita light carrier. (slave holds->cargo bay(s)-> landing bay(s)) because i have already have a plan for a true transport

We had the same problem in our RT game, captured chaos transport. We were going to start doing the whole cleansing process when a small Ork Freebooter fleet showed up in the system we had the transport drydocked in. We just gave them the transport in exchange for going away and not attacking anything in our system. :)

We had the same problem in our RT game, captured chaos transport. We were going to start doing the whole cleansing process when a small Ork Freebooter fleet showed up in the system we had the transport drydocked in. We just gave them the transport in exchange for going away and not attacking anything in our system. :)

LMAO..That was not only an inventive solution..but a damned devious one at that!...My hats off to you..lol Those orks thought they got a deal..HA...It was a deal alright...nightmare..HAHA...I gotta use this style idea for one of my next sessions...only im gonna pull it on the players when they get to a new system < insert evil grin here >

As for capturing and converting chaos ships...In numerous books and even battlefleet gothic...over time the ships become possessed...and it ISNT the kind of possession one of the idiotic Ad Mech or incompetent Ministorum could handle...Its the true blue possessed to point the ship is actually alive. ( think Event Horizon movie ) It happens because the chaos ships routinely run in the warp WITHOUT a gellar field operating. I have a standard rule for my players of total annihilation of all chaos ships ( giving them a "bounty" for each one confirmed killed by the Imperial Navy ) Said bounty is a PF value relative to the class and infamy of the chaos ship.

As for capturing and converting chaos ships...In numerous books and even battlefleet gothic...over time the ships become possessed...and it ISNT the kind of possession one of the idiotic Ad Mech or incompetent Ministorum could handle...Its the true blue possessed to point the ship is actually alive. ( think Event Horizon movie ) It happens because the chaos ships routinely run in the warp WITHOUT a gellar field operating. I have a standard rule for my players of total annihilation of all chaos ships ( giving them a "bounty" for each one confirmed killed by the Imperial Navy ) Said bounty is a PF value relative to the class and infamy of the chaos ship.

While this is certainly true of some Chaos ships it is certainly not all. After all for the most part even the depraved worshippers of the ruinous powers would not willingly travel the warp without a functioning gellar field. After all why do they keep them installed on their ships, the fluff and rules all clearly give Chaos vessels working gellar fields (except the pestillan in BFK which clearly states its malfunctioning).

Additionally the fluff suggests that several ships have been re-captured by Imperial forces and put back into service and hints some may have changed hands several times over the centuries. Indeed the Space Wolves flagship "Pride of Fenris" is a Retribution class battleship that the Navy had lost to Chaos and the Wolves recaptured. Something I may add that the Navy are far from happy about as they feel it should be theirs while the Wolves see it more as "finders keepers". The point is that the Imperium certainly has no set rule that all chaos vessels should be destroyed and there must be individuals that know how to alleviate the taint in such vessels.

for the record they did have a gellar feild (not one mutant amoung the slaves)

and thank you for the input.

Some Chaos ships use Sorcery to protect them from the warp rather than Gellar Fields. But generally all have something , unless the ship is a single Daemonship, I suppose.

My players captured a Raider from Iniquity.
It had to stay dry docked in Port Wander for a month (for removing corrupted components, resetting the memory/corruption the Machine Spirit as best as possible) and I gave the crew a max morale of 75 until the ship is completely cleansed and I made it clear in their upkeep test that a large portion of it was to to the massive hiring of ecclesiarchy for the continuous cleaning/watch work necessary for at least the next year of service of that ship.

Yet, I gave them an extra secretive "bonus" they cannot admit they have to anyone - 2 daemonologists that came with the ship.