Painted Mini's

By Luftwaffe Flak, in StarCraft

All right this old military modeler would LOVE to see you guys painted minis! While I did model some, I was never that great at painting (hence why I dont paint my mini's). TIA!

I have been debating painting these as with every big box game that FFG does I have this unquenchable desire to paint up the figs but man just not the time or patience. I usually have a burst of creative spirit and will paint non-stop but then totally take a dry spell where I just cannot be bothered as I am actually sickened by the time it takes to paint all the pieces. But then get inspired to paint again. This might get painted at some point but there are too many already on the list that are being looked at for being on my painting table first.

I have seen some pretty cool looking paint jobs for these and when I see that it inspires me to paint mine. But maybe after the expansion comes out I will think about it. :P

here are some pictures of what some people did. If I knew how to change the image size I would, trust me.




wow!..amazing do you paint?...i mean, you have patience,i paint my Doom marines, but thats all...congrats! cool.gif

errrr... its not me who painted it, I just saw the pictures a while ago and thought I should post them. I am thinking of trying, just need the right paint silvery paint.

man, i didn't realize the minis looked so good!! We still play the orignal Starcraft in our household, there are about 15 in our circle of friends that all still play too :)

I paint a lot of my boardgame minis, and I find that Games Workshop paints and brushes are the best for this sort of work.

Always, ALWAYS WASH YOUR MINIS FIRST! Put them in a bowl of warm water and washing up liquid and rub them gently with fingers only. Swish them around a bit and then leave them to dry. This gets rid of any liquid left over from molding (many companies use an oily substance to help the minis slip out of the molds. It stops paint sticking to the surface of the mini and is hugely annoying) and helps the paint to stay on.

Yeah as said above by Lord Zurgling always wash them. I also recomend you Prime them as well as that helps the paints adhere better. After painting them you should also probably give them a coat of varnish to help keep the paint from chipping such as Testors Dullcote, just incase your friends aren't as careful with your guys and frequently enjoy smashing Scourge into the sides of your Carriers (I magnetize the model to the stand useing rare earth magnets after they break so they dont ever break again from excess forces and just split off of the base.)

Wow , thats really stunning painting , what and wonderful job :)

This forum moved so many times it's hard to keep up. Anyway, there's my work:






nicely painted aplauso.gif .

Very nice job. I'm also painting my miniatures, at the moment only the terran. Are you using acrylic paints or enamel paints?

If you paint also the miniatures of brood war it would be nice if you share it with us :) I'll post my photo as soon as i can.

I paint Warhammer fantasy battle, but I lost the patience to paint my 100 wood elves and forest spirits... Games Workshop has the material you need if you want to paint minis of whatever. (sorry I don't know the american site!)

Maybe some day I might get to paint my SC BG!

See this!
