Star Wars version of the game?

By teh-V1s1on, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

I love TI3 and I love star wars. Using the likeness of stars wars to make a ti3 style game just makes sense to me. Fantasy Flight owns the rights of both so I believe they should make it happen. Anyone else with me?

There used to be a fan-made Star Wars conversion package up on the old Sadly, that page is no longer with us, but you may be able to find the graphics elsewhere on the net if you google around.

Also, a bit off-topic but what the hey, there was also a fan-made Star TREK version around a while back. Which, to me, makes slightly more sense than a Star Wars version.

The old site was great.

You could play Twilight 3 online against players from all across the world on that site.

All you needed was a copy of twilight 3 game and the patience to get into a game.

In the TI 3 Startrek variant, It felt just like like you wre playing the Federation.

The Borg player was always trying to absorb someone.

The greedy Ferengi was always trying to use their profits to control the board.

Too bad the site went down.

It would have been interesting to see what those players would have done with the new TI 3 expansion that just came out.

Edited by Shadow

FFG do not have the rights to make SW board games. Only card games, RPGs and miniatures games.

I love TI3 and I love star wars. Using the likeness of stars wars to make a ti3 style game just makes sense to me. Fantasy Flight owns the rights of both so I believe they should make it happen. Anyone else with me?

I do not know this Twilight Imperium of which you speak. I'm just being nosey since you mention Star Wars. I'd most certainly be interested if FFG could do this.

FFG do not have the rights to make SW board games. Only card games, RPGs and miniatures games.
