Familiar Movement

By StarBurn, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Well I know most familiars are invulnerable, but are they blocked by hero figures ? can they stop on hero figures (skye obviously can) ? can boggs the rat move trough my monsters and end his movement in the room behind them, just so I don't spawn more ?! I'd Appreciate it if you would clarify these things up for me, especialy the exeptions.

Similar questions, that seems I ask a lot lately is about villigers/prisoners/people counters do they block LoS and movement, for both monsters and heroes ?! (Since I kinda see them neutral) and they move at the end of the heroes turn....right ?!....moved by the heroes ?!

Thx in Advance

StarBurn said:

Well I know most familiars are invulnerable, but are they blocked by hero figures ? can they stop on hero figures (skye obviously can) ? can boggs the rat move trough my monsters and end his movement in the room behind them, just so I don't spawn more ?! I'd Appreciate it if you would clarify these things up for me, especialy the exeptions.

Similar questions, that seems I ask a lot lately is about villigers/prisoners/people counters do they block LoS and movement, for both monsters and heroes ?! (Since I kinda see them neutral) and they move at the end of the heroes turn....right ?!....moved by the heroes ?!

Thx in Advance

Familiar basic rules are found on DJitD pg 14

• Familiars move like heroes , except that they can move through enemy figures and can end their movement in the same space as another figure .
• Familiars
may occupy the same space as another figure , and figures may move through and trace lines of sight through familiars.

Individual familiars may have specified exceptions;
Pico cannot move on her own, but heroes can carry her.
The Shadow Soul cannot end its movement in the same space as another figure, nor can figures end their movement in the same space as the Shadow Soul.

So, they are not blocked by heroes (they move like heroes and heroes can move through heroes), they can stop on hero figures (except the Shadow Soul) and they can move through monsters.

From RtL pg 27
Block Movement?
Yes (non specified, so for everyone, both heroes and monsters)
Block Line of Sight? Yes (non specified, so for everyone, both heroes and monsters)
Villagers represent people in heroes must protect and/or rescue. Villagers have 1 armor and 6 wounds, and are immune to traps, but can be attacked by monsters. They cannot attack, perform movement actions other than moving through glyphs, or carry items. Villagers move up to four spaces a turn , moving after all of the heroes have moved, and are controlled by the hero players.

Your first resource really ought to be the rulebook (which is available online, so if you have access to the forum you have access to all the rulebooks), not the forum, though it is not always easy to find things. Most of your questions were explicitly answered and very easy to find. The question about which familiars are exceptions was a little more reasonable.

I keep the game at a friend, so I dont have to carry 5 boxes after me all the time. And also a forum opinion would actually make me more certain of my calls, think of it as advisors :P , I feel much more certain of what I understand from the rules, if another voice backs up that.

And Thanks a lot.