In which I post (and then stop for a while).

By papernaut, in UFS Off Topic

I knew I'd have hard time with this. Simply put, however, I have to leave UFS for now. The contributing factors being that I do not have a job, and thus can't really get the money to keep up with releases as much as I'd like to. The money pit of card games has finally gotten to me. The other, honestly, is that I've lost some passion for the game. Don't get me wrong, aside from a few wording errors here and there, UFS is by far the best card game I've ever played (I've been around, mind you). But when I look at cards, and have to make a deck from them, I just can't bring myself to do it. I love UFS's design (If there was a game on DS or something I'd play it), but this is as far as I go.

What this means for Commit One

What with not playing the game anymore (I haven't been to a tourney since early March), I don't feel I can bring a valid viewpoint, and talking about something I no longer have a passion for is basically faking, so I won't be able to be on the podcast anymore. However, Edwin and I are planning a series of podcasts for newcomers, so I will be doing those with him until that series is finished. If Chris, Scott and Edwin want to continue the podcast (and by all means they should), they have my full support.

Like I said before, I don't hate anyone, there's no drama to be had, I just can't bring myself to get excited about UFS anymore. The community of players that I've met through the forums and podcast are some of the most awesome people out there, and if Omar's SFIV invites are any indication (I'm playin RE5, dude! Suspense!) I've made some friends here. If you'd like to contact me I'll still be on the forums and on the web (XBL: SolomonFaulkner PSN: Paperlink), so I'm not dead or anything. Anyways, so long and thanks for all the fish (coughLiptonscough)!

Wow man im sorry to see you go you started the podcast doesn't feel right doing it without you but so you know you always have a host position on the team if you can every come back . We will still have a good time doing the new player stuff and if you ever need anything let me know .

papernaut said:

I knew I'd have hard time with this. Simply put, however, I have to leave UFS for now. The contributing factors being that I do not have a job, and thus can't really get the money to keep up with releases as much as I'd like to. The money pit of card games has finally gotten to me. The other, honestly, is that I've lost some passion for the game. Don't get me wrong, aside from a few wording errors here and there, UFS is by far the best card game I've ever played (I've been around, mind you). But when I look at cards, and have to make a deck from them, I just can't bring myself to do it. I love UFS's design (If there was a game on DS or something I'd play it), but this is as far as I go.

Sad to see you go, you were one of the ones I actually appreciated reading the posts of on the forums. The few you did anyway. Hit me up for some stuff on XBL liek whatever you actually have on that machine.

Been there, except I kept on playing, so I know what it's like. You'll come back. They always do.

****, this sucks but I understand your reasons. I'm very poor as well. I hope you will come back to the game one day, down the road.
we will miss you on the show, but hey man HAVE SOME FUN with your life. Don't do something if you really don't want too.

all the best stud,'


Hate to sound like an opportunistic ****** bag... but if you're looking to lighten your load of cards in exchange for stuff you'll use or that will help with your money situation, send me a mail at:

A pity you're giving up on the game, though. Best of luck to you.

DrUnK3n_PaNdA said:

Hate to sound like an opportunistic ****** bag... but if you're looking to lighten your load of cards in exchange for stuff you'll use or that will help with your money situation, send me a mail at:

A pity you're giving up on the game, though. Best of luck to you.

We had our SOTG with suriel last night and Steve as well he is just going to take a break from the show for the time being until he sees how set 12 plays out . Hopefully after set 12 impacts the meta he will stick with it .

While I don't know the exact reason you are bored with the game, I hope you find what you are looking for when the real rotation occurs. Also, best of luck in the job search.

I really don't like where the game is currently myself. I attribute how boring it is atm to people jumping to block 3 to early. Alot of agro stuff like damage pumps are not around because they will be printed in set 12. It would make no sense for FFG to release absurd 2.0 when 1.0 is still legal. Same with cards like way of the mightiest etc... Im an Evil player and in the current state of the game I have a severe lack of attacks to play with because they are most likely coming in set 12. The pressence of midnight Launcher makes me confident i'll have some attacks. The lack of damage pumps and solid attacks is imo what has the slowed the game down enough for a symbol like order that runs in some cases 16-20 3 dif foundations to have the time to establish the lock. In pre-rotation games many symbols are just to fast for order to ever establish its board pressence. That is not to say the symbol isnt competitve, its just not the monster it is in the "fantasy" (props to Antigoth)block 3 format.

bloodocean said:

While I don't know the exact reason you are bored with the game, I hope you find what you are looking for when the real rotation occurs. Also, best of luck in the job search.

I really don't like where the game is currently myself. I attribute how boring it is atm to people jumping to block 3 to early. Alot of agro stuff like damage pumps are not around because they will be printed in set 12. It would make no sense for FFG to release absurd 2.0 when 1.0 is still legal. Same with cards like way of the mightiest etc... Im an Evil player and in the current state of the game I have a severe lack of attacks to play with because they are most likely coming in set 12. The pressence of midnight Launcher makes me confident i'll have some attacks. The lack of damage pumps and solid attacks is imo what has the slowed the game down enough for a symbol like order that runs in some cases 16-20 3 dif foundations to have the time to establish the lock. In pre-rotation games many symbols are just to fast for order to ever establish its board pressence. That is not to say the symbol isnt competitve, its just not the monster it is in the "fantasy" (props to Antigoth)block 3 format.


ahem. surriel. you needs death. i will give it to you. answer my challenge in sf4.

bloodocean said:

While I don't know the exact reason you are bored with the game, I hope you find what you are looking for when the real rotation occurs. Also, best of luck in the job search.

I really don't like where the game is currently myself. I attribute how boring it is atm to people jumping to block 3 to early. Alot of agro stuff like damage pumps are not around because they will be printed in set 12. It would make no sense for FFG to release absurd 2.0 when 1.0 is still legal. Same with cards like way of the mightiest etc... Im an Evil player and in the current state of the game I have a severe lack of attacks to play with because they are most likely coming in set 12. The pressence of midnight Launcher makes me confident i'll have some attacks. The lack of damage pumps and solid attacks is imo what has the slowed the game down enough for a symbol like order that runs in some cases 16-20 3 dif foundations to have the time to establish the lock. In pre-rotation games many symbols are just to fast for order to ever establish its board pressence. That is not to say the symbol isnt competitve, its just not the monster it is in the "fantasy" (props to Antigoth)block 3 format.

This is the point where I compare this to a metaphorical hammer hitting the metaphorical nail on the metaphorical head.

HolyDragonCloud said:

bloodocean said:

While I don't know the exact reason you are bored with the game, I hope you find what you are looking for when the real rotation occurs. Also, best of luck in the job search.

I really don't like where the game is currently myself. I attribute how boring it is atm to people jumping to block 3 to early. Alot of agro stuff like damage pumps are not around because they will be printed in set 12. It would make no sense for FFG to release absurd 2.0 when 1.0 is still legal. Same with cards like way of the mightiest etc... Im an Evil player and in the current state of the game I have a severe lack of attacks to play with because they are most likely coming in set 12. The pressence of midnight Launcher makes me confident i'll have some attacks. The lack of damage pumps and solid attacks is imo what has the slowed the game down enough for a symbol like order that runs in some cases 16-20 3 dif foundations to have the time to establish the lock. In pre-rotation games many symbols are just to fast for order to ever establish its board pressence. That is not to say the symbol isnt competitve, its just not the monster it is in the "fantasy" (props to Antigoth)block 3 format.

This is the point where I compare this to a metaphorical hammer hitting the metaphorical nail on the metaphorical head.

making a metaphorical hole in a metaphorical board.

Yay for me, I got some stamps of aproval! Maybe I should have written my epic post a little better...

Anyways, when my area first decided to skip ahead to block 3 with the release of set 11 I was all for it at first. Two weeks in it dawned on me how big of a mistake this was for our play group. I have been cautious of trying to bring in new people at this point of the game. It in no way shape or form plays out like a fighting game.

What I see happening with the release of set 12 is a return of decks that throw moves before turn 8ish. With this in turn order players will have to keep cards in hand to block instead of having the cards in thier staging area. When you are facing attacks such as midnight launcher that can take close to half your life, suddenly, pitching your hand to exp combatant doesnt seem so apealing. Nor does having a deck chock full of 3/5s and 3/4's. I see order being a **** good resource in B3, but I think it is going to need to make changes. It could still be the premier control symbol of the new standard but it to is going to need to become faster. A combo that needs 4 cards might not cut it.

Way I see it, people switched to B3 because B2 was an incredibly boring format, and then simply decided "I don't want no parts of that". Of course, some decided to copy UFS House's switch to B3. Others found that B2 was atrocious. I know that for some in our playgroup, it was so bad they quit the game. Like, no ifs and buts, they outright said : "Screw this."

A B2 that doesn't suck? No B3 problems until Set 12 comes out. A B2 that sucks? Few people that play it, tons of people so eagerly awaiting the next block that they run towards it.

As far as B3 not being aggro enough. Sure. Of course, B3 will NEVER be complete, I don't know if you noticed the way people post, but when Set 12 comes out, if it doesn't really bring back aggro, people will say "Oh but wait until Set 13 because it's truly not B3 yet!", and bis repetitam. And when B3 is complete, people will have stopped caring because we'll be awating B4... again, bis repetitam.

I find the way rotation is done in the game to be slightly borked, myself.

I hear ya hatman. We are essentially playing magic's block format right now. It would be nice if each block had agro capabilities and was a complete meta all to itself, but that isnt how this game works :(

bloodocean said:

I hear ya hatman. We are essentially playing magic's block format right now. It would be nice if each block had agro capabilities and was a complete meta all to itself, but that isnt how this game works :(

Not what I meant. If you notice, we get a new block at the beginning of the tournament season. The tournament season ends with two sets yet to be released. I don't know, but the coming set 14-15? I'm not sure if I want to buy some unless they're absolutely necessary because they won't see the color of Worlds (even though I've yet to participate in one) more than once, especially with Legacy being such an afterthought in the company's mind.

Oh alright. I forgot about the whole worlds thing.

Right and FFG has openly stated that after the summer convention season passes, there will be new OP events to help keep the tournament season going 12 months a year.

That's great news! I remember hearing somthing about that earlier, any specifics been released yet?

Antigoth said:

Right and FFG has openly stated that after the summer convention season passes, there will be new OP events to help keep the tournament season going 12 months a year.

With the Fight Life series (which I still think is a horrible name, but it can't be less original than "Montreal Regionals") which incorporates the State/City Championships.

Can't wait for the 12 months a year UFSing, which will make the whole "only thing but regionals and of Power tournaments" off-season obsolete, which in turn will make the problem of Worlds having a limited card pool obsolete.

Only thing is, will it dilute Worlds? Who knows except those who, y'know, work at FFG and handle this?

Because this is in Off-topic I can post this useless post....


bloodocean said:

That's great news! I remember hearing somthing about that earlier, any specifics been released yet?

Not yet... Paul and James are wanting to hold off releaseing specific details for a bit yet. That whole focus on Set 12, regionals , worlds, etc, etc. first.

Antigoth said:

bloodocean said:

That's great news! I remember hearing somthing about that earlier, any specifics been released yet?

Not yet... Paul and James are wanting to hold off releaseing specific details for a bit yet. That whole focus on Set 12, regionals , worlds, etc, etc. first.

At best, we know about this in... beginning of May.

At worst, October.

sometimes the borked season makes me glad I'm too poor to purchase cards and only play by way of friends and playgroup letting me borrow cards (and a conveniently placed commons box that with the right character I can make a fun deck out of).

I hope the post-summer tournaments are fun and unique without being like the Path of the Master events. I didn't 'mind' them. The first couple ones were really fun. But both time and some not so fun symbols later I was annoyed when a week of possible block 3/2/legacy tournaments was changed, and I had to build a mono-symbol deck for a meta I would never need to worry about ever again.