I knew I'd have hard time with this. Simply put, however, I have to leave UFS for now. The contributing factors being that I do not have a job, and thus can't really get the money to keep up with releases as much as I'd like to. The money pit of card games has finally gotten to me. The other, honestly, is that I've lost some passion for the game. Don't get me wrong, aside from a few wording errors here and there, UFS is by far the best card game I've ever played (I've been around, mind you). But when I look at cards, and have to make a deck from them, I just can't bring myself to do it. I love UFS's design (If there was a game on DS or something I'd play it), but this is as far as I go.
What this means for Commit One
What with not playing the game anymore (I haven't been to a tourney since early March), I don't feel I can bring a valid viewpoint, and talking about something I no longer have a passion for is basically faking, so I won't be able to be on the podcast anymore. However, Edwin and I are planning a series of podcasts for newcomers, so I will be doing those with him until that series is finished. If Chris, Scott and Edwin want to continue the podcast (and by all means they should), they have my full support.
Like I said before, I don't hate anyone, there's no drama to be had, I just can't bring myself to get excited about UFS anymore. The community of players that I've met through the forums and podcast are some of the most awesome people out there, and if Omar's SFIV invites are any indication (I'm playin RE5, dude! Suspense!) I've made some friends here. If you'd like to contact me I'll still be on the forums and on the web (XBL: SolomonFaulkner PSN: Paperlink), so I'm not dead or anything. Anyways, so long and thanks for all the fish (coughLiptonscough)!