Currently, I have the strong feeling, that automatic fire (RoA > 1) is too strong and outplaces called shots, single shots or simple RoA 1 shots by far.
This is not only to the chance to hit multiple times and inflict multiple wounds with one attack, but even more with the multiple chance to get righteous fury and strike critical hits.
This are the reasons, why I feel that this is a huge balance-killer here and most people will always tend to use high-RoF weapons with high RoA application.
In previous systems, auomatic fire always had the drawback to make jams more likely, which was a good method to make you think about it a second time. It was a good concept and worked well, though it did not differ between short barrages and large barrages.
So, why not increase the chance for weapon Jams by X%, where X is defined by the RoA over 1.
Example: I fire with a weapon that has RoF2 with using 2AP
--> 2*2= RoA 4 --> thats 3 more than 1 and leads to 96%-3%=93% chance of a Jam
So up to a RoA of 6, it is still not a harder penalty than in DH1, below this, it is softer, above harder.
And it is only logical that more bullets also mean a higher chance of jams.
It might sound a little too complicated for some of the "narrative"-boyz as usual, but it is not a big deal. RoA over 1 is seen quite clearly and only has to be subtracted from the usual 96.