So, it appears that my Rogue Trader game will be restarting. A combination of real life and game kludge left it floundering, but it seems we will be restarting next week. I'm planning on cauterising where it left off (half way through a sprawling endeavour that wasn't flowing well and that most of the details of will have been forgotten) and starting with a new arc (though I intend to check with players on whether this is acceptable or not first, obviously). I thought I'd see if any suggestions accrue here
Crew of the Blessed Eventide, if you happen to be reading this, clear off.
So, the crew has ties to Malfi. The Senechal in particular, who spent years practicing law there and who is married to a former member of house Belasco's sniper recon cadre as one of several of the Dynasty's ties to that house. She's also under a death warrant from the Blood Guild bounty hunters, under a flimsy pretext invoked by her personal rivals (Noble background, scion of a fallen planetary house in the Ixaniad sector). There is motivation to head back to Malfi and clear her name, and given this crew it's either going no be done in the courtroom or in the dining room. Throw in some intrigue and a conspiracy or two and boom.
Next up, they have a rival in the form of fellow Rogue Trader Hadrak Fel. I modified the rule book endeavour so that they have found a ship of the lost fleet rather than the flag, and recovering the remainder has become an ongoing element. Fel is bitter over this, and has be working on his own plans. Point the players (especially The Lord Captain) at either his stronghold or his current operation and they will chase after him. Here I'm a bit fuzzy on what will happen, but I'm inclined to do some on-foot (or at least dirtside) exploration. Xenos artefact in the jungles of a deathworld? Skirmishes with a rival Dynasty in the halls of a Space Hulk?
Third act is the culmination their hunt for the Righteous Path, an Angevin Crusade era lost ship filled with the treasure of a long-dead world. It hurtled in to the Processional of the Damned, and there lies amongst innumerable half-real hulks and ghosts. Tracking it down would be impossible without the skill of their Navigator (who is worryingly good at this) and the Dohicky of Plot they acquired from Out of Fel's clutches in the above. Very little actual combat, but a lot of weirdness. Screaming pleas for help transmitted live from the shattered hulls of ships with no survivors, the Hollow Men crawling over their hull taking apart the ship pannel by pannel, waves of psychic force and so-on. The whole system is a Place You Should Not Be, but the prize makes it worth it.
Now, I want to flesh this out a bit. In particular, I need ideas for encounters amongst the backstabbing gifts that are the Malfian nobility and where the showdown with their rival takes place.