Psychic Power Variety

By flarebright, in Game Mechanics

In current beta rules, so far most of psychic powers feel like re-skin alternative weapons or combat devices. I think it would make the game better if there was more to psychic powers that would differentiate them from weapons in combat applications as well as provide interesting none combat applications (and very tempting as a lure for corruption).

As far as combat applications I realize that t the combat blaster psyker is an iconic role, but it seems like there can be more done to differentiate the psyker presents on the battle field from the mundane weapon users. As such, as another options to raw damage powers, I personally find more interesting effects that would shape the battlefields and environment. Something that would not be duplicated by regular means.

I am also very interested in psycking powers with none combat (or at least not only combat related) applications that would come in different power levels (would fit nicely with a tier structure for prerequisite requirements).

Warp effects: I would like the powers to have the thematically appropriate warp failure effects that simulate the kind of corruption a loose canon psyker can have on society. It would also be cool if such effects could target random civilians instead of always fall down immediately on area around psyker. Would be a interesting layer if warp failures effects could not be obviously traced to the psiker that caused them (as even he or she might not know) and would require investigation.

Here is an example of what are some of the effects that I am thinking about (note the following is meant to illustrate variety possibility and is meant to be used as an example of “balanced” powers in current power structure)

Befriend Animal:

Effect: X times Psy rating target animals becomes control by psyker for X times psy rating rounds. After this power duration ends the animals reaction toward psyker will be up to GM discretion.

Sustain: this power may be sustained being the above duration expires at the cost of 1 AP for each animal controlled this way.

Posible Warp failure: 1d10 animals within 10 mile radius become exposed to chaos influence and mutate.

Flavor text: The purge to find and cleanse the source of mutations lasted for almost 3 years, several hundred thousands of cattle has been burned, their pastures forever sanctified with sacred salt and three local towns marked as heretics and exterminated. It is still unclear what was the source of corruption, although local rumors talk about a rogue psyker discovered and send to black ships around the time the mutations stopped.

I think everyone on these forums echoes the sentiment that there needs to be more variety in powers, like there was in first edition. I'm not sure if FFG will have time to completely redo the variety of powers available, but I'd at least hope for a splat featuring some more utility focused powers soon after release.

Unbelievable. An issue where I share Tom Cruises oppinion...

At the very least they can fish out the best stuff from all their previous material.

But you know, if they hinted that they might be willing to just... grab something off the forum, some of us could be interested in helping out the redo.

Up to it, if it improves what we currently have.

There are hints of thematic combat effects in there, they just need to be expanded/improved.

  1. Pyrokinetic attacks generally get Flame (X), where x currently equals 1 or 4. Makes sense, but 1 is somewhat useless unless you've got 5 people with flame attacks all stacking it up. Make X scale a bit better, with the higher exp powers getting more of it.
  2. Telepathy attacks get stun, a little fatigue damage, fear, and madness effects. Great theme for that power. Why not go all the way and replace shriek with a power that does PL/2 fatigue damage, instead of any physical damage? Why not explicitly make Terrify do more than 1 fatigue, so it can stand on its own as a viable attack power rather than just a supportive trick? Make telepathy the go-to power for "I want to knock him out, not kill him" tactics.
  3. Biomancy...well, you just gotta keep the lightning. Its iconic. But beyond that, what I see are a bunch of reduction powers with odd mechanics. Hey look, there's this mechanic called "toxic." Fits right in with the biomancy theme and doesn't require every power to have some unique calculation. Replace all the specialized wieridies with toxic (PL) or toxic (PL/2) or something.
  4. Divination...sigh. Misfortune needs mechanics. I suggest something like autofail if the victim rolls a certain digit (or couple of digits) on the ones' dice. Perfect timing needs to be buffed up or replaced. Precognition and Prescience are redundant. Forewarning completely replaces foreboding, rendering it useless. I really like divination. I like the basic structure. I like that the combat powers of forewarning, foreboding, and perfect timing focus on assisting rather than giving direct attacks; with it being so easy to acquire multiple powers, not every one of them needs a blast. But its probably the psychic power most in need of a top-to-bottom review and revision.
  5. Telekinesis: I think if they fix the other four, this one won't need much tweaking. Seems reasonable that if the other powers each have special effects, this one becomes the "standard" power that doesn't have special effects, it's just higher damage and maybe higher penetration.

I know one of your complaints was that the attack powers were too gun-like, but frankly I think they could do with being a bit more gun-like. I really don't like how they abandoned the standard ROF*AP=ROA mechanic for psychic powers. I get that they may take a long time to power up or activate or whatever. That's what a ROF = 1/2 or 1/3 is for. Just make them work like standard weapons with fractional ROFs.

There are hints of thematic combat effects in there, they just need to be expanded/improved.

  1. Pyrokinetic attacks generally get Flame (X), where x currently equals 1 or 4. Makes sense, but 1 is somewhat useless unless you've got 5 people with flame attacks all stacking it up. Make X scale a bit better, with the higher exp powers getting more of it.
  2. Telepathy attacks get stun, a little fatigue damage, fear, and madness effects. Great theme for that power. Why not go all the way and replace shriek with a power that does PL/2 fatigue damage, instead of any physical damage? Why not explicitly make Terrify do more than 1 fatigue, so it can stand on its own as a viable attack power rather than just a supportive trick? Make telepathy the go-to power for "I want to knock him out, not kill him" tactics.
  3. Biomancy...well, you just gotta keep the lightning. Its iconic. But beyond that, what I see are a bunch of reduction powers with odd mechanics. Hey look, there's this mechanic called "toxic." Fits right in with the biomancy theme and doesn't require every power to have some unique calculation. Replace all the specialized wieridies with toxic (PL) or toxic (PL/2) or something.
  4. Divination...sigh. Misfortune needs mechanics. I suggest something like autofail if the victim rolls a certain digit (or couple of digits) on the ones' dice. Perfect timing needs to be buffed up or replaced. Precognition and Prescience are redundant. Forewarning completely replaces foreboding, rendering it useless. I really like divination. I like the basic structure. I like that the combat powers of forewarning, foreboding, and perfect timing focus on assisting rather than giving direct attacks; with it being so easy to acquire multiple powers, not every one of them needs a blast. But its probably the psychic power most in need of a top-to-bottom review and revision.
  5. Telekinesis: I think if they fix the other four, this one won't need much tweaking. Seems reasonable that if the other powers each have special effects, this one becomes the "standard" power that doesn't have special effects, it's just higher damage and maybe higher penetration.

I know one of your complaints was that the attack powers were too gun-like, but frankly I think they could do with being a bit more gun-like. I really don't like how they abandoned the standard ROF*AP=ROA mechanic for psychic powers. I get that they may take a long time to power up or activate or whatever. That's what a ROF = 1/2 or 1/3 is for. Just make them work like standard weapons with fractional ROFs.

Pretty much agree with everything here wholeheartedly. My chief quibble is that I dislike multiple AP per "trigger pull" attack rates and would like to see all fractional RoF stats replaced with 1 and then see Single Shot or even Recharge (X) as a special quality so that we can limit rate of fire without demanding extra Action Points to make an attack.

Also, Tk does seem to have concussive as a special quality, something that makes perfect sense to me.

Otherwise, spot on.

Edited by Togath

I agree as well. Currently, it doesn't seem like psyker powers reflect the fluff too much and the lack of variety almost makes them one trick pony's. Non-combat powers would be nice such as being able to gather information by speaking to a warp creature or setting psychic traps or alarms. Stuff like that.

Pretty much agree with everything here wholeheartedly. My chief quibble is that I dislike multiple AP per "trigger pull" attack rates and would like to see all fractional RoF stats replaced with 1 and then see Single Shot or even Recharge (X) as a special quality so that we can limit rate of fire without demanding extra Action Points to make an attack.

Also, Tk does seem to have concussive as a special quality, something that makes perfect sense to me.

I think your change to ROF is very sensible for guns, but I think fractional ROFs could still be reasonable for melee and psyker attacks.

I'm not sure I like concussive for Tk. I prefer Telepathy for dazing and I don't see it as a telekinetic 'theme.' Pushing people off bridges. Throwing tool boxes from behind them. The Darth Vader choke - THAT stuff is the telekinesis theme.

My objection to RoF is, in part, that by forcing players to spend additional Action points doing one thing you take away their choices, flexibility, tactics, etc. One of the best features of the AP system is that you choose between higher RoF, more accuracy, cover, movement, and evade reactions with every round of combat. Choice is good, it gives a tactical feel, empowers players, and gives them something to do and plan when it is not their turn. This allows a character to adapt to different situations or enemies or to do something plot related while still feeling like they are contributing to the firefight.

Anytime you make players spend more AP it has to be for a good reason. You got hit is a good reason. You failed your WP test, fine. But "you chose a psyker/melee build so you don't get to ever" is something I am not okay with. I ended up house-ruling this maybe a few sessions into DH2 and I am super happy with having gotten rid of multiple AP attack costs. They were obnoxious and frustrating and it is not as though attacks are especially unbalanced by giving them singe shot instead of a 1/4 fire rate (or a 3AP Focus Power Test). Honestly, Smite is inferior to dual wielding decent weapons by a fair bit even after the change.

As to TK having daze, I like it, but its not a make or break. Big kinetic impact type attacks such as from a warhammer also have concussive, I feel like getting blasted by telekinetic energy or hit with a nearby boulder or whatever could pretty much the same.

It is worth noting that while daze is not as strong if the 1/3 and 1/4 fire rates are gone. Further, daze is worthless against daemons, normally a target that ought to be engaged with psychic attacks.

Edited by Togath

One small but important note on the Pyromancy powers: the definition of Flame weapons in the armory chapter was changed. A weapon with Flame(X) now causes Burning (3X) rather than Burning(X). Additionally, the value of X in Burning now DOUBLES at the end of each round! Pyromancy looks much stronger now, a skilled psyker could immolate several enemies very quickly.

This has been noted earlier, it is why, in particular, Inferno is probably just fine as is in terms of power and why Spontaneous Combustion, which applies the burning condition directly, is pretty weak, doubling notwithstanding.

Molten Beam, on the other hand, has only been greatly weakened by past updates changing how melta works since its Pen scaling was already lackluster and it has no other meaningful scaling. Its range goes from worthless to usable and that is about it. 2*PL Pen would be totally reasonable, and a bump to damage would be inappropriate given its cost, short range, and single target applicability. Adding flame would not entirely be the theme of the power but would be better than nothing.

As it stands the Rank 7 Psyker in my campaign has made almost no use of Molten Beam, since it is outperformed by the otherwise mediocre Smite and Assail and since Inferno is superior when situations call for carpetbombing.