Any ROF 1 or higher weapon is more accurate than the weapons with the accurate quality
On a normal weapon an aim action adds +10 for each AP you spend on it. For an accurate weapon you get +15 instead because:
The weapon is crafted for precision attacks, with finely
crafted las lenses or finely honed steel.
But in combat they are actually less accurate than weapons with 1 or higher ROF, because users of the accurate weapons spend more AP on each shot, while users of the other weapons can instead spend that AP on aiming.
Lets compare a lasgun and long-las for accuracy, with the lasgun spending 1 AP on the attack and the target within the lasguns range. If 2 AP is spent on aiming and firing each weapon, the lasgun has a +10 bonus while the long-las doesn't. 3AP and the lasgun gets +20, long-las +15. 4AP is the point where they both have +30.
Best case, the long-las is just as accurate as the lasgun. The rest of the time, the lasgun is more accurate.
The sniper rifle is less accurate than the long-las, since it has an even lower ROF. Even if you somehow had 5 AP for aiming+attacking, the lasgun would have a higher chance to hit than the sniper rifle. At 6AP the sniper rifle finally has more accuracy. Since I'm not aware of any way to get more than 4AP per turn, and aim only works if you attack in the same turn as the aim, this means that a lasgun is always more accurate than a sniper rifle unless you get outside the lasguns range.
Range brackets
In the other 40kRPGs, a longer ranged weapon would have places where it gets a higher chance to hit than a shorter ranged weapon because of where the target fell into each weapons range brackets. So longer ranged weapons were inherently more accurate, even without the accurate quality.
With range brackets gone in second edition, this is also gone.
Accurate has always felt a bit odd
It doesn't matter how accurate a weapon is if the user isn't putting in the effort to aim it well. Inaccurate weapons are no less accurate than weapons without this quality unless the character uses the aim action.
So why are accurate weapons more accurate without the character doing anything to earn the extra accuracy ?
You're only aiming for the general vicinity of the target, not any specific body part. Yet you're also aiming so well you can hit hard to see weak spots (Pb penetration)
What changes do I suggest ?
- Bring back range brackets.
- Change the long-las and sniper rifles ROF to 1.
- Remove the Pb penetration and vengeance qualities from the long-las and sniper rifle.
- Change the accurate quality so that it gives the weapon vengeance and Pb penetration if fired with a called shot. Maybe give an bonus to the attack roll as well, or only if the weapon is fired under the effects of both the aim and called shot actions.