More irritating questions

By Kaino86, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

Heyo yes im new and loving it.

1. Is eg; eddard stark from (LoW) expansion considered a duplicate of the eddard stark core card?

2. Is the second core set recommended for just the extra plots, attachments, events, locations and character duplicates?

3. Iv been reading the expansions eg; lord of winter, contain cards that can be mixed threw several decks..... Please clarify :/

1. Yes. The rules for unique cards are based on the title of the card - and nothing else. So different versions of unique cards can be used as dupes on each other, no matter how different their text (or card type for that matter).

2. I'm not entirely sure I understand your question. Getting an extra core set goes way beyond having duplicates of unique cards, though. When you customize decks, you can have up to three cards with the same title in your deck. This includes non-unique cards. If the card is non-unique, you CAN have more than one copy in play at a given time. People tend to like the idea of being able to play multiple copies of Forever Burning, or having two copies of Lannisport Weaponsmith (or better yet, Golden Tooth Mines) in play at the same time.

3. What do you mean by "contain cards that can be mixed threw several decks"? The game is customizable. You can combine different cards (and different numbers of cards) into as many deck configurations as you can think of. So it's not unusual for particularly good cards to show up in multiple configurations, or for one deck configuration to be "torn down" and rebuilt into a new one.

Thank you very much, u have answered my questions. Iv been reading these forums for a while now but just signed up today but have noticed you a lot helping new players, cheers to you :)

If you're new to the game, check out the link in my signature. Also it sounds like you haven't read the FAQ yet, which is basically an expanded and more in depth rule book that probably answers most of your questions.

DON'T READ THE FAQ TOO SOON!!! It will make your head spin, LoL. Try to get a solid hang for the basic game concepts and start looking at the FAQ when you get more niggly and complicated questions.

As a newer player myself, I read the FAQ pretty soon after I played a few games, watched youtube games, and read the core rules a few times. I try and read the FAQ over every few months (not just for the changes) to keep up on the rulings and scenarios that occur. Not to mention to make sure I memorize the flow charts.

As a newer player myself, I read the FAQ pretty soon after I played a few games, watched youtube games, and read the core rules a few times. I try and read the FAQ over every few months (not just for the changes) to keep up on the rulings and scenarios that occur. Not to mention to make sure I memorize the flow charts.

Marry me!

Hahah cheers ppls, iv started reading the FAQ now, the ffg video on YouTube is basic as hell lol back to the drawing board.

Cheers all, been very helpful

If you're new to the game, check out the link in my signature. Also it sounds like you haven't read the FAQ yet, which is basically an expanded and more in depth rule book that probably answers most of your questions.

Just thought i would comment that your new player guide is excellent. Well thought out and very useful