I was looking at the Jedi in Exile entry in the enemies section of the book, and I noticed that it doesn't have the lightsaber skill. I know it isn't available to players, but shouldn't this particular NPC have the skill to represent his/her background? Just wanted some input from you guys. It has melee 4, so it could beat the hell out of someone with a stick, or some other melee weapon, but as a Jedi I find it odd that it has zero skill with the lightsaber.
Jedi in Exile
I was looking at the Jedi in Exile entry in the enemies section of the book, and I noticed that it doesn't have the lightsaber skill. I know it isn't available to players, but shouldn't this particular NPC have the skill to represent his/her background? Just wanted some input from you guys. It has melee 4, so it could beat the hell out of someone with a stick, or some other melee weapon, but as a Jedi I find it odd that it has zero skill with the lightsaber.
This has been mentioned in the Proofreading section in the thread about Chapter X: Adversaries as a possible error.
I take it these stats are in the Rebellion book? How do they compare to the Jedi stats in the EOTE rulebook?
The difference being in the EOTE rulebook Forsaken Jedi having Lightsaber 4 (as well as Brawn 3 and Agility 4); I'll note/add that the EOTE rulebook's Forsaken Jedi's lightsaber is declared as having both Defensive 1 and Deflection 2, as well as melee Defense 2 and Ranged Defense 1, and Adversary 2. (There's an ongoing-effect-by-committing-a-Force-die option to upgrade the difficulty of all attacks targeting the Forsaken Jedi twice, but that shouldn't be affecting the Defenses since they're just setback dice?)
To my knowledge the Defensive 1 and Deflection 2 haven't been errata'd, so not sure where he's getting those from in EOTE and if the Jedi-in-Exile has those as well.
Probably from some talent or Force power that we'll learn more about in Force and Destiny, would be my guess. It sounds like a logical thing for a Jedi to have.
While that would make sense, there's no evidence for it in EotE and seemingly nothing in AoR to explain it either.
Probably from some talent or Force power that we'll learn more about in Force and Destiny, would be my guess. It sounds like a logical thing for a Jedi to have.
Actually, this got specifically answered by Sam Stewart on Episode 14 of the Order 66 podcast, as I'd asked if the stat block was correct in giving the Forsaken Jedi ranks in Defensive and Deflection that were attached to his lightsaber.
And his answer was yes, explaining that him and a few other NPCs were taking advantage of special abilities that simply weren't available to the PCs... yet.
I'm leaning towards a talent that provides the ranks, sort of like the Lightsaber Defense one that I used in my Ways of the Force fan supplement for the Jedi Initiate specialization. Though mine provides a +1 to both per rank in the talent, where FFG's approach would appear to follow a different method of progression. Then again, it could just be a benefit of having the Lightsaber skill, perhaps with a talent that allows the user to select X number of ranks in Defensive or Deflection based upon how many skill ranks they have. Or perhaps something akin to Awayputyrwpn's homebrew with separate talents providing a rank in Deflection or Defensive depending on which talent you take.
@ Donovan Morningfire: My question to Sam would be why the decision was made to represent the NPC-exclusive-for-now as additional weapon qualities as opposed to listed NPC-exclusive abilities/talents such as Adversary.
@ Donovan Morningfire: My question to Sam would be why the decision was made to represent the NPC-exclusive-for-now as additional weapon qualities as opposed to listed NPC-exclusive abilities/talents such as Adversary.
I included that as part of my question, as I prefer a greater degree of transparency when it comes to NPCs, a hold-over perhaps from my d20 Star Wars days where NPCs generally had the same talents and feats as the PCs. But I suspect the answer would have been along the lines of "the GM really doesn't need to see it to run that NPC, so we didn't include it." Which was pretty much Sam's response to my question about the two Force-using NPCs in EotE (Emperor's Hand & Forsaken Jedi) only needing a single Force Point to activate various Powers + upgrades.
While it certainly could be a misprint leaving out the skill, it could be intentional. I see the Jedi in exile forgoing the use of his lightsaber in order to avoid being found by the empire... who needs a lightsaber shaped beacon over their head. We never see Yoda with a lightsaber in Empire.