The Hero Championship

By Samwise Gamgee, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

AM - Aragorn (Lore)-This should have been the final. The two best heroes in the game.

AN - Legolas - Not close.

AO - Sam Gamgee - Surprised that Boromir made it this far.

AP - Beregond - I have never used Elrond in a deck. Ever. When he was spoiled, I was shocked. His role in the books was more of an advisor than an adventurer or warrior. On the other hand, Beregond is a stud.

Thanks to all who voted! The count has now been updated and in case you missed it, the running tally is in the initial post.

I would also like to take this time to make a shout out to all of the awesome commentary. Now that it is crunch time, everyone has really stepped up their game.

Match-up Spotlight

The Lord of the House of the Golden Flower of Gondolin vs The Heir of Isildur

The quarter-finals have started and they have started off with a bang! Legolas, Sam and Elrond have jumped out to early leads. However, Glorfindel (Spirit) and Aragorn (Lore) are neck and neck. The count is 10-10. Aragorn (Lore) was considered the underdog coming in, but it has proved to be an even match thus far. Morithain and Rainelotr have been two of the more vocal proponents for Aragorn citing mechanic comparisons and overall man-crush. But, Glorfindel (Spirit) supporters are also holding with their champion. One of the more memorable quotes was from lleimmoen when he said, "I really hope there won't be some nonsense agenda here," as he voted for Glorfindel. As the first period end, let's take the field to talk to our heroes.

Glorfindel said, "This is a tough match-up. I have great respect for Aragorn. I knew him since he was a young boy. But, I am committed to reach the final four and represent my Spirit sphere well as the sole survivor. I am the King of the secrecy deck, the Rider of Asfaloth and the Keeper of the Light of Valinor. And sweet elf-blade trumps pipe."

Aragorn also commented, "Like Glorfindel said, it's tough to be matched up with a friend, but you will find my resolve no weaker. I think Morithain and Rainelotr made most of my points for me. It's great when your supporters do the heavy lifting. May I end by saying Glorfindel was wrong in at least this one area, awesome pipe and epic mug definitely trump elf-blade."

ffg_glorfindel-fos.jpg vs ffg_aragorn-twitw.jpg

Edited by Samwise Gamgee

I like versatile heroes, heroes strong enough that you can build a deck around them and their abilities, but independent enough that you could splash them in almost any deck without much support and they'd still be good. Therefore, I'm voting for:

AM- Glorfindel. He's the most versatile hero in the game, in that you can throw him into almost any deck because of the low, low, low, low threat. Add just a few cards to that deck for his attachments and he's awesome. Plus, he gives you access to all the Spirit cards that can save your bacon time and again. I like Lore Aragorn, but I find myself rarely using him. I tend to build decks that either start with a low threat and keep it low, or start with a high threat and don't care how high it goes. He's undeniably powerful, but not my preference.

AN- Legolas. I like Faramir, he's one of my favorite characters in the books, but Legolas has been carrying my Tactics decks since the core-set and the expansions have made him even better by including more options for ranged characters. Faramir is a character you have to build a deck around. Legolas is a character that you can build a deck around, but you don't have to and he's still good. Plus, Faramir needed a squadren of rangers to take down an Oliphant, but Legolas did that all by himself ;)

AO- Sam. A vote for love of the character (since I don't have the card yet) and disbelief that this version of Boromir beat Denethor and made it farther than his Tactics version. I like Leadership Boromir, and he can serve as the backbone to some fun Leadership/Tactics combat decks, but he's not that great. Plus, Sam having 3 willpower and 8 threat in the Leadership sphere is awesome. Looking forawrd to the wide-release of Black Riders.

AP- Beregond. Defense? check. Beregond can be splashed into almost any deck with a few support cards and he'll handle his role splendidly. He's great in my Spirit/Tactics decks, because he can handle their biggest weakness for them with only a few cards splashed in. Additionally, you can build solid multi-player Tactics decks that showcase Beregond's ability to defend and load him up with attachments, weapons, and readying effects. Elrond is great, and will probably win this matchup, but his high threat means that you are committed to building a deck around him.

AM - Aragorn. An easy choice for me. Aragorn is awesome right out of the box whereas Glorfindel needs Asfaloth and Light of Valinor before he can truly shine. Aragorn allows complete ignorance of early threat increases in single player games and is the more versatile character, too. Just give him a Burning Brand, and he's equally awesome at everything. And while the elf's horse and light are great, Aragorn's sword giving every character a willpower boost is even better.

AN - Faramir. This is a duel between the ultimate specialist (Legolas can't do anything but attack) and Mr Versatile himself. Some things in Faramir's favour: higher Willpower, better support (Gondor vs Silvan), far better defender, better attacker from round 2 or 3 at the latest and his character shows so much more depth compared to the rather shallow woodland elf.

AO - Sam Gamgee. His card seems so good that I thought it was fan-made when I first read it.

AP - Elrond. This is the most difficult of the Elite Eight match-ups for me. I love Beregond and the peace of mind he offers me in defending even against the toughest foes. And his value in Siege quests is simply incredible! However, Elrond is the main piece of my beloved Rivendell deck, allows to ignore resources and allows so much fun when having Beorn, Gildor, Haldir and all those expensive allies on the table for free. His involvement in both the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings certainly helps, too.

Voting for my favorite Elven hero's to play & Samwise.

AM - Glorfindel - so sorry Aragorn. You're still my favorite hero from the books... just no longer in the game.

AN - Legolas - again sorry, Faramir is another favorite from the books... but i'm just as likely to use the ally version over the new, and very cool looking Hero ...and frankly Legolas is awesome! Both in the books and in the game. ...and lets not mention Rivendell blades and the words addiction together either...

AO - Samwise - It's probably a vote for all the new Hobbits hero's... way too excited about black riders not to vote for the last remaining Hobbit... besides an 8pt Leadership hero that quests for three and can ready himself to defend... come on!!

AP - Elrond - Never been a massive fan of Dwarfs in gaming terms or books. Didn't really get into playing Dain and the dwarven horde (nor the outlands horde)... so having Elrond, Vilya & Stargazer etc, felt like I wasn't missing out on having one of the crazy powerful decks to play! Plus I really like the Elves, expensive allies ... and have I mentioned rivendell blades?

AM- Glorfindel (fav hero)

AN- Legolas

AO- Boromir (missing the tactics version)

AP- Beregond (best defender)

It's getting tense!

AM- ARAGORN. I agree with GrandSpleen, down with Glorfindel's unfair reign!!! DOWN!!

AN- Faramir. I'm SO sorry Legolas. Sincerely. I must choose the master of traps for this one. I agree that Legolas is probably the better hero (currently), but whether it be the enticings of the Valar or of Sauron, I'm gonna have to go with Faramir.

AO- Boromir. I really don't know why I'm going with Boromir. Probably the art. And because I so badly want to have a fully functional Gondor deck.

AP- Beregond. Sorry Elrond. Just kidding, no I'm not!

It looks like Gondor has triumphed for me. Everyone I voted for has the Gondor trait (except Aragorn, but he'll get it... later.)


A special note from the Boromirs:

"We send tribute to thee, lliemmoen. We recognize your efforts to prove us both victorious. But fret not, our brother. Though one of us has fallen, one of us will continue to ride into battle as the horns of Gondor sound!"

ffg_boromir-tdm.jpg ffg_boromir-hon.jpg

Count updated.

Another message from the Boromirs:

"We were inspired by another thread and felt our Tactics brother would have fared better if we combined forces."


Edited by Samwise Gamgee

Thanks to all who voted! Special thanks to legolas18, chuckles, Ithilien Ranger and Glowwyrm for their awesome commentary.

The count is updated. 25 votes and counting.

Match-up Update: The battle between Glorfindel (Spirit) and Aragorn (Lore) remains close. Glorfindel leads the match 13-12.

Aragorn said, "I call on all Rangers of the North and all men everywhere to rally to my banner as I must retake ground against Glorfindel!"

Match-up Spotlight!

The Lord of Rivendell vs The Ward of Gondor

Beregond fell behind early to Elrond, but as of recently, he has been able to close the gap. Beregond now only trails 10-15. Now is the time to vote to advance your champion to the next round. We asked our champions for a few words.

Elrond, "My meditating savvy will carry the day. Plus, I only have one less defense point then our good friend from Gondor. If I lose, I will continue to rule in my revered sanctuary of Rivendell. But, you know you really want me to go on."

Beregond, "I defend for 4. For 4!!!! Do you understand how crazy that is? When questing, heroes can combine willpower, when attacking they can combine attack strength, but when defending, you stand alone. Of all of the heroes, there is only one that you want standing alone in the heat of battle. For it is I... Beregond."

ffg_elrond-saf.jpg vs ffg_beregond-hon.jpg

Edited by Samwise Gamgee

As I said, I am not voting based on power. I would have surely voted for Dain in the previous round then. But the (quote) below, as for the justification of power, is probably the most disagreeable thing I have read on the boards.

I will begin with attachments. I am not sure we are talking of the Lore Aragorn, but it is surely him competing with Spirit Glorfindel. Well, the Lore Aragorn has just about zero attachments in his sphere that really go with him. Protector of Lórien sort of applies but there are better defenders, with lower threat, the sentinel is nice but sort of wasted here unless you make Aragorn do more than one thing in a round, and unless you boost his defences; and for willpower questing, with the threat of 12, the 2 willpower is not actually shining. Glorfindel, on the other hand, has Light of Valinor. And it costs 1, just to remind you, and it does not only relieve Glorfindel of his disability, it gives him two actions per round. It clearly doesn't get much better than that. Only Fast Hitch for Lore Hobbits is comparable but there are no Hobbits in that sphere with double 3 stat (will, attack, defence), there are actually no Hobbits in that sphere with double 2.

Now for the threat. The argument made lower about how much you save with each hero is most redundant. It is certainly not anything to go by as for the power of the hero cards. The easiest to see the difference in Glorfindel's favour is to make a deck with two other heroes, and then add either Spirit Glorfindel or Lore Aragorn to go with them. Of course the spheres are hard to compare but still. The 7 threat cost difference is extreme, and Aragorn's ability, though remarkable, will never get those down. It is threat throughout the game, not at its end, that is important. I would go further and argue that in a vast majority of games, the threat in the beginning is miles more important that the threat in the end. Because in the beginning it is when you are most fragile, while in the end you should be ready for bigger enemies and other complications.

I will add an example. I have played over 1,000 games (of this game), and I think I lost due to threat reaching 50 in less than 5% of those (I much more likely lose whilst being overwhelmed by enemies, which can happen when you start with a higher threat and have no action advantage). And it was actually often with Lore Aragorn, due to my miscalculation of abusing his ability; this is surely not Aragorn's fault, by mine, as a player, but it is an interesting fact.

That all said, I would hastily add that Aragorn is a superb hero. And there are many options, and surely will be more with the upcoming doomed cards in the Voice of Isengard, to make a deck around him. And I perfectly understand when someone votes for him, he's a great character. But Glorfindel hero is stronger and more fit to almost any deck, especially when you need to access Spirit, and Glorfindel hardly has a strong competitor in that sphere (which is arguable the one most needed throughout the scenarios), whilst Aragorn has a strong competition in Lore, with Elrond, Beravor and Faramir dealing with different aspects of the game but potentially having similar roles in a deck.

We will see what the exploration of both Dúnedain and Noldor factions does with the fact. But all in all, and all jokes aside in this creative thread, the heroes are surely meant to work together.

AN - Aragorn (lo)

Okay first I have to say these two heroes imho are both in the top 3 most powerful heroes. They also have incredible art, and are two of the coolest characters in the series. So this may have been a close race thus far but let us end the farce now before things get out of hand.

Hero strength
Both cards are stat'd with the same amount of points. Aragorn has sentinel ability and a positive effect. Glorfindel has a negative effect and no other abilities. When it comes to natural out of the gate ability the sentinel is the only real markable difference. It is not much but is enough to decidedly say...

Winner: Aragorn

So with glorfindel you start with 7 less threat. Great! That is absolutely incredible. However you're saddled with a threat raising ability. Even lucky sometimes you are looking at only saving yourself a total of maybe 4 threat over the course of the game. Not saying that initial savings aren't good but let's go look at aragorn first

I regularly reset my threat at about 48 to somewhere below 30. An easy savings of over 20 threat without really even optimizing your deck for the event.

7 or less threat reduction vs 20+
Winner: Aragorn

Now attachments...
Glofindel: 2 incredible attachments + access to elven keyword cards

Aragorn: more attachments specifically keyed to him than any other hero in the game. Also hilariously some elf only attachments also may specifically be used by aragorn!

Winner: Aragorn

I could go on but I feel I am hitting all the major points here. Glofindel is undoubtedly one of the top 3 most powerful heroes in the game and though many of you seem dazzled by his shiny 7 threat discount that does not make him THE best. Maybe he is more versatile than any other hero but Aragorn (lo), the king of all men during the age of men is clearly the most robust hero card in this fight.

Edited by lleimmoen

oh man, these are some tricky match-ups. i feel at this point its obvious all the characters are all great cards in some right so its hard to justify decisions on impact within the game alone. let the subjectiveness flow.

AM - Glorfindel (spirit) - He's just too good not to pick. I dont really have any other reason., just going with my gut.

AN - Faramir - He's my favorite and I like his art better. Legolas is the better hero for sure, but I think the ranger will be able to ride a wave of popularity to the final 4.

AO - Boromir - This may not be my hardest decision, but its definitely my trickiest. I didn't vote for Boromir last round citing his art was the only thing keeping him in this still has. Sam is obviously a fantastic hero but I cant help but feel a little bit awkward and uncomfortable voting for someone who I havent played a single game with. I dont have any of those signature moments during quests with him nor feel any kind of emotional attachment to the card other than just the fact that its Sam. I think Boromir got this vote not only because its the best art in the game, but i still believe in his potential. i still believe in boromir. I STILL BELIEVE IN GONDOR!

AP - Elrond - Ugh, now this is my hardest decision of the round. Probably my two favorite characters of their respective spheres. I have to give it up to Elrond though, I've always been fond of the character, and even though I know its borderline criminal to say good things about the movies on these boards...I've always been a big fan of Hugo Weaving and his adaptation of Elrond as well. The card itself can just be used for so many different things where as Beregond, while a stud, has a more singular purpose

Edited by Pharmboys2013

Am: Glorfindel: Come on guys are you kidding me, I know Strider is awesome but lets face it, there is only one super god card-like card in the game and it's Glorfindel.

AN:Legolas, great guy, not very fond of him, but I haven't got the chance to play faramir (Mexico).

AO: Boromir,Since, I first started reading the books (8-9 years) my favorite character was Aragorn, but when I grew up I became more interested in Boromir and Gondor, and you know it has the best art in the game!!!!

AP: Elrond: Great char, a little bit better than beregond, because you can only use Beregond in terms of defense and questing in siege.

Introducing to you... THE ELITE EIGHT!!!!!

ffg_glorfindel-fos.jpg vs ffg_aragorn-twitw.jpg

ffg_legolas-core.jpg vs ffg_faramir-aoo.jpg

ffg_boromir-hon.jpg vs ffg_sam-gamgee-tbr.jpg

ffg_elrond-saf.jpg vs ffg_beregond-hon.jpg

And here are the results reprinted for ease of reference:


okay since i cant decide based on play value it´s going to be art and i really like gondor. I hope I can still vote, having not voted earlier. Anyhow here goes





All newcomers are welcome!

AO: Boromir,Since, I first started reading the books (8-9 years) my favorite character was Aragorn, but when I grew up I became more interested in Boromir and Gondor, and you know it has the best art in the game!!!!

This seems to be a sort of natural shift in character. Of course Aragorn is perfectly likable and Boromir has his flaws, but he is more easily associated with, because of his flaws (especially as they come in time of crisis and are due to his concern for others, his nation, not himself). He is still sort of too good for this world, being so brave and all, but certainly shows interesting human elements. And I dig the art, he is not called Boromir the Fair for nothing.

On a side note, I want to say that in terms of colour and composition, I really like the art for the Tactics Boromir, I really hope the artist doesn't feel bad because there hasn't been much liking for his portrayal of Boromir or Brand. I think the art is great in both cases, the face is just not likable too much, and that especially in case of Boromir is a bit of a shame. His handsomeness was actually the first thing noted during the Council of Elrond, and since this doesn't happen that much in the books (especially for men, as opposed to Elves), it is of importance: Tolkien doesn't write in vain.

Edited by lleimmoen

Some great points here but I'm honestly surprised you would label it as " Most disagreeable post ".

My personal opinion is that Elrond - Glorfindel - Aragorn(lore) are the best heroes in the game followed by Dain in 4th place. So yes this is a tricky argument. What's worse about this particular battle, of the four, is that Aragorn and Glorfindel work incredibly well in a deck together. They compliment one another's abilities, which is only possible when they are doing different things. It wouldn't work nearly as well if they both were good for the same reason. So there's a natural difficulty in comparing them.

First for Aragorn

Burning Brand. Not specific to him but it might as well be since he's 5hp. 2def. Sentinel.

Also, sure it may be inconvenient that some of these attachments aren't lore based but who cares? It's Aragorn! He has access to 3 colors with the right attachments AND it isn't difficult to build a deck between songs, other heroes, and A Good Harvest, that will compensate here.

Second, as far as threat reduction for Glorfindel

Elrond's Council .

That and natural access to spirit is a great advantage.

But it sounds like you're using both of these guys in strategies involving keeping your threat low. A traditional strategy to be sure but hardly an exclusive approach these days. You can't just view Aragorn's ability as a Passive option. These days you can aggressively use it in an active manner.

You mention the upcoming Doom cards as examples of coming deck types but have you forgotten we already have loads of options that work REALLY well with Aragorn Lore

Boromir (tactics), Frodo (spirit), Palantir, Oh Elbereth Githoniel (spelling? lol), Song of Earendil, Wandering Took, Hobbit Gandalf, Glofindel (sp) <--- Again, great combo between these two. Aragorn nullifies any negatives attained by Glorfindel

Finally, I just don't think I disagree with much you said. Yes... Glorfindel is the most Versatile hero in the game. You can throw him in any deck and he'll work. You can't do that with any other hero. If that makes him BEST in your book then that's fine. I stand by what I said in the original post.

As I said, I am not voting based on power. I would have surely voted for Dain in the previous round then. But the (quote) below, as for the justification of power, is probably the most disagreeable thing I have read on the boards.

I will begin with attachments. I am not sure we are talking of the Lore Aragorn, but it is surely him competing with Spirit Glorfindel. Well, the Lore Aragorn has just about zero attachments in his sphere that really go with him. Protector of Lórien sort of applies but there are better defenders, with lower threat, the sentinel is nice but sort of wasted here unless you make Aragorn do more than one thing in a round, and unless you boost his defences; and for willpower questing, with the threat of 12, the 2 willpower is not actually shining. Glorfindel, on the other hand, has Light of Valinor. And it costs 1, just to remind you, and it does not only relieve Glorfindel of his disability, it gives him two actions per round. It clearly doesn't get much better than that. Only Fast Hitch for Lore Hobbits is comparable but there are no Hobbits in that sphere with double 3 stat (will, attack, defence), there are actually no Hobbits in that sphere with double 2.

Now for the threat. The argument made lower about how much you save with each hero is most redundant. It is certainly not anything to go by as for the power of the hero cards. The easiest to see the difference in Glorfindel's favour is to make a deck with two other heroes, and then add either Spirit Glorfindel or Lore Aragorn to go with them. Of course the spheres are hard to compare but still. The 7 threat cost difference is extreme, and Aragorn's ability, though remarkable, will never get those down. It is threat throughout the game, not at its end, that is important. I would go further and argue that in a vast majority of games, the threat in the beginning is miles more important that the threat in the end. Because in the beginning it is when you are most fragile, while in the end you should be ready for bigger enemies and other complications.

I will add an example. I have played over 1,000 games (of this game), and I think I lost due to threat reaching 50 in less than 5% of those (I much more likely lose whilst being overwhelmed by enemies, which can happen when you start with a higher threat and have no action advantage). And it was actually often with Lore Aragorn, due to my miscalculation of abusing his ability; this is surely not Aragorn's fault, by mine, as a player, but it is an interesting fact.

That all said, I would hastily add that Aragorn is a superb hero. And there are many options, and surely will be more with the upcoming doomed cards in the Voice of Isengard, to make a deck around him. And I perfectly understand when someone votes for him, he's a great character. But Glorfindel hero is stronger and more fit to almost any deck, especially when you need to access Spirit, and Glorfindel hardly has a strong competitor in that sphere (which is arguable the one most needed throughout the scenarios), whilst Aragorn has a strong competition in Lore, with Elrond, Beravor and Faramir dealing with different aspects of the game but potentially having similar roles in a deck.

We will see what the exploration of both Dúnedain and Noldor factions does with the fact. But all in all, and all jokes aside in this creative thread, the heroes are surely meant to work together.

AN - Aragorn (lo)

Okay first I have to say these two heroes imho are both in the top 3 most powerful heroes. They also have incredible art, and are two of the coolest characters in the series. So this may have been a close race thus far but let us end the farce now before things get out of hand.

Hero strength
Both cards are stat'd with the same amount of points. Aragorn has sentinel ability and a positive effect. Glorfindel has a negative effect and no other abilities. When it comes to natural out of the gate ability the sentinel is the only real markable difference. It is not much but is enough to decidedly say...

Winner: Aragorn

So with glorfindel you start with 7 less threat. Great! That is absolutely incredible. However you're saddled with a threat raising ability. Even lucky sometimes you are looking at only saving yourself a total of maybe 4 threat over the course of the game. Not saying that initial savings aren't good but let's go look at aragorn first

I regularly reset my threat at about 48 to somewhere below 30. An easy savings of over 20 threat without really even optimizing your deck for the event.

7 or less threat reduction vs 20+
Winner: Aragorn

Now attachments...
Glofindel: 2 incredible attachments + access to elven keyword cards

Aragorn: more attachments specifically keyed to him than any other hero in the game. Also hilariously some elf only attachments also may specifically be used by aragorn!

Winner: Aragorn

I could go on but I feel I am hitting all the major points here. Glofindel is undoubtedly one of the top 3 most powerful heroes in the game and though many of you seem dazzled by his shiny 7 threat discount that does not make him THE best. Maybe he is more versatile than any other hero but Aragorn (lo), the king of all men during the age of men is clearly the most robust hero card in this fight.

Edited by Rainelotr

First of all. I am sorry if I offended. I didn't mean to, but I see that I could by that labeling. It is just that my view of the comparison is different, that of course makes yours in no way less important. I actually enjoyed this sort of discussion.

I agree completely, Lore Aragorn and Spirit Glorfindel seem to be made for each other. I made that argument the very hour (if not minute) when I first saw Glorfindel previewed.

But right now no, I do not use them together. My favourite is currently mono-Spirit and mono-Lore, and Aragorn doesn't feature in the latter, and I still think I chose a good line-up. Whilst I would have to be crazy, or just going for the theme, if I didn't choose Glorfindel in the former. I do like to keep the threat low.

'tis true about A Burning Brand, I just, for some reason, never considered Aragorn as a natural defender, it is probably because there is Denethor and Elrond in the sphere. Of course none of them are sentinel.

And I totally agree about the combos. I was actually also pointing the Wandering Eärendil out very early after the latter card appeared. It is a great combo. As I said though, I think Aragorn needs more deck-building around, and I would be judging the strength of a hero without synergies first. Though of course that is not entirely possible as the Leadership heroes like Dain, Hirluin or Boromir are only good because of synergies.

Edited by lleimmoen

Am: Glorfindel: Come on guys are you kidding me, I know Strider is awesome but lets face it, there is only one super god card-like card in the game and it's Glorfindel.

LOL was that a yugioh reference?

BACK unholy demon of the night !!!


And lleimmoen, no offense. I appreciated the feed back and your oppinion. Great points all. I liked the post after I read it.

Edited by Rainelotr

Thanks for voting! And thanks for the commentary.

The count has been updated.

Match-up Update: Glorfindel has widened his lead over Aragorn and now leads by a count of 16-12. Elrond still sits safely on his throne by a count of 17-11. Beregond said, "If you have ever appreciated me lifting my spear and shield in your behalf, vote for me now or else I fear I will fall."

Match-up Spotlight

The Battle of the Princes

Faramir has had a great ride, but it looks as if that ride is coming to an end. Legolas leads the match by 18-10 and unless a large influx of votes comes his way, this looks like the end of the road for a fan favorite.

"This ride has been awesome," said Faramir, "and all of my supporters have been great! I popped on the scene only... what?... 2 months ago and I make it to the Elite Eight? It's been magical. I would have loved to make it to the Final Four, but this has been a great experience as a whole. I just hate losing to that pointy-eared leprechaun. It would have been much more epic to fall to a big, angry, arrow-riddled bear like Beorn. Oh well, at least it is peaceful up in these mountains. Hey... is that snow?"

Legolas responded to our request for comment with, "My eye is keen, my aim is true. Glorfindel, I'm coming for you!"

ffg_legolas-core.jpg vs ffg_faramir-aoo.jpg

Edited by Samwise Gamgee

Looks like Faramir's time on the hero championship is over. Well, he's back to Henneth Annun where the real work waits for him.


Alas, I believe my valiant campaigning effort for Faramir and Aragorn has failed. Of course Glorfindel will be crowned #1. But let it be known, my pointy-eared friend: I shall not vote for you.

Kindest regards,


(That may have given a slight clue as to who I am going to vote for over him.) :)

Edited by legolas18

This WILL be a tough finale :D Such a great contest.

Thanks for all your hard work on this Sam. It's extremely entertaining. I feel like I'm participating in a YuYuHakusho or DBZ style arena event somehow fused with the epicness of LOTR

I'm a newcomer, and even though the hero pool has been weeded out significant, I will cast my votes for the final 8.

Glorfindel (S)


Boromir (Le)


(Funny enough, these four heroes as well as Prince Imrahil and Bard the Bowman are the ones that I've currently been playing with in my current two-handed deck build.)

Of course Glorfindel will be crowned #1. But let it be known, my pointy-eared friend: I shall not vote for you.

Kindest regards,


(That may have given a slight clue as to who I am going to vote for over him.) :)

OMG Legolas vs Glorfindel? That would be just about an impossible choice for me!!!! Just about impossible!

But this may give you a slight clue who I am going to probably side with when I have to make a choice: LEGOLAS of Darkwood ;-)

Aragorn (Lore) - really tough choice, but this is a great representation of one of my favourite characters, the wandering king-to-be: "I must admit that I hoped you would take to me for my own sake. A hunted man sometimes wearies of distrust and longs for friendship." (Strider, TFotR)

Legolas - as I mentioned before, I'm not a fan of the high-threat design for the stealthy ranger captain

Sam Gamgee - powerful card for my favourite character, the hero of the story

Beregond - since I like to recreate thematic stories, I don't use Elrond much, who stayed in Rivendell, but Beregond is a great card for the military might withstanding Sauron