A - Beravor (easy choice at least for me. If I play spirit I use a test of will/dwarven tomb all the time (so eleanor would be redundant, and if I don't...well I don't)
B - Mirlonde (I love thalin (favourite dwarf art by the way) but having tried a monolore deck with mirlonde I have to say she's stronger)
C - Pippin (lore) (seems awsome, can't wait for TBR, never used brand)
D - Prince Imrahil (I like Imrahil. If bilbo had 6 or 8 threat I might like him more...but with 9 threat he's a bit off my schemes)
E - Faramir (well he the choice is obvious since the other challenger is spirit pippin)
F - Elrohir (one of my favourite heroes)
G - Hama (one of my absolute favourite hero together with legolas)
H - Dwalin (really like him, I prefer reducing my threat by combat then by companionship...I know his ability is wasted in some scenarios and I know nori's stronger...but I still like dwalin better)
I - Elladan (one of my favourite heroes)
J - Denethor (well denethor's good, awsome in a monolore encounter control deck while oin is one of the worst in my opinion)
K - Hirluin the Fair (I like glorfindel as a lore hero, but I find his ability a bit lacking)
L - Frodo (frodo's great...caldara's....well...let's not say it...)
M - Theodred (one of my absolute favourite heroes)
N - Merry (seems great, really looking forward to try him)
Edited by DevastazioneH88