The Hero Championship

By Samwise Gamgee, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

Introducing the Hero Championship!

Vote for your favorite hero as they enter their match-ups in the responses below. Vote on whatever criteria you desire. Feel free to campaign for you hero, criticize the seedings and give your vote rationale.


Visit for a larger view.

Note: 35 Glorfindel is the Lore version.

Updated Voting Tallies

AS - Legolas - 17 / Sam Gamgee - 4

Edited by Samwise Gamgee

A – Eleanor

B – Mirlonde

C – Pippin (Lo)

D – Imrahil

E – Faramir

F – Elrohir

G – Bombur

H – Dwalin

I – Elladan

J – Denethor

K – Glorfindel (Lo)

L - Frodo

M - Theodred

N – Merry

Edited by Samwise Gamgee

Sorry about the question but...can we vote on that page or the votes will be hosted here?

If the former, how can I vote after registering?

Sorry about the question but...can we vote on that page or the votes will be hosted here?

If the former, how can I vote after registering?

No problem! The votes will be hosted here. I thought it would be cool if everyone could see what each other thought. The link is just a clearer view of the bracket with no real functionality.

Edited by Samwise Gamgee

im just curious, but what made you tier the heroes as they are?


A - Beravor - although this was a tough call

B - Thalin

C - Pippin

D - Imrahil

E - Faramir

F - Elrohir

G - Hama

H - Nori

I - Elladan

J - Denethor

K - Hirluin

L - Frodo

M - Theodred

N - Merry

Apparently I'm not a big fan of Dwarves. I think your rankings - at least for the first round - are pretty good. I think I only had one or two upsets.

A - Beravor - although this was a tough call

B - Thalin

C - Pippin

D - Imrahil

E - Faramir

F - Elrohir

G - Hama

H - Nori

I - Elladan

J - Denethor

K - Hirluin

L - Frodo

M - Theodred

N - Merry

Apparently I'm not a big fan of Dwarves. I think your rankings - at least for the first round - are pretty good. I think I only had one or two upsets.

Thanks for your votes!

im just curious, but what made you tier the heroes as they are?


Well you have to seed a bracket somehow. The higher seeds got byes. The seeds are definietely subjective, but I tried to do it according to what I have seen in posted decks and some of the favorite/worst hero threads.

A - Eleanor - close call too, I love both, but I fell in love before with my treachery-eraser cheek

B - Mirlonde - she's one of those heroes that I think that shines more than most people think

C - Pippin (Lo) - clear choice for me!

D - Bilbo Baggins - every time I see his illustration, I can't help but smile. Besides he's of tremendous help in solo!

E - Faramir - one of my favorite heroes!

F - Glóin - I used him so many times at the beginning...

G - Háma - Never used him (I am more Leadership/Spirit/Lore player) but he's a really cool one. Besides, Magali...

H - Nori - Nice for alternate dwarf decks (not the classic Thorin & Co. one). And is like Bilbo when looking at the illustration, smile!

I - Bifur - Well as you can see I am a dwarf lover...

J - Denethor - ...but in this case, I prefer the Steward of Gondor!

K - Hirluin - Love the art, and how he changed Outlands (well, him and the entire player card pool from SF)

L - Frodo - Easy call here, even with Magali on the other side!

M - Théodred - That's the other hero that I used a lot the early days!

N - Merry - Really, really nice card

Well I am a dwarf and hobbit lover as you can see. And of course, Magali illustrations are top notch! But I tried to choose not only by art, but by usefulness and theme. Well sometimes by fond memories ;) .

A - Eleanor - close call too, I love both, but I fell in love before with my treachery-eraser cheek

B - Mirlonde - she's one of those heroes that I think that shines more than most people think

C - Pippin (Lo) - clear choice for me!

D - Bilbo Baggins - every time I see his illustration, I can't help but smile. Besides he's of tremendous help in solo!

E - Faramir - one of my favorite heroes!

F - Glóin - I used him so many times at the beginning...

G - Háma - Never used him (I am more Leadership/Spirit/Lore player) but he's a really cool one. Besides, Magali...

H - Nori - Nice for alternate dwarf decks (not the classic Thorin & Co. one). And is like Bilbo when looking at the illustration, smile!

I - Bifur - Well as you can see I am a dwarf lover...

J - Denethor - ...but in this case, I prefer the Steward of Gondor!

K - Hirluin - Love the art, and how he changed Outlands (well, him and the entire player card pool from SF)

L - Frodo - Easy call here, even with Magali on the other side!

M - Théodred - That's the other hero that I used a lot the early days!

N - Merry - Really, really nice card

Well I am a dwarf and hobbit lover as you can see. And of course, Magali illustrations are top notch! But I tried to choose not only by art, but by usefulness and theme. Well sometimes by fond memories ;) .

Thanks for the vote and I also think fond memories should sometimes carry the vote.

Edited by Samwise Gamgee

A - Beravor / Eleanor is one of must hero in multiplayer, but I often play solo gamse and card draw is very good in th game.

B - Thalin / Mirlonde may be better than what meets the eyes, but Thalin is still better in my opinion.

C - Pippin / Card draw is backbone of any deck types, and I feel like Pippin will be that draw engine for Hobbit decks.... and also the fact I don't play multiplayer that much goes against Brand.

D - Bilbo Baggins / Bilbo is yet another draw engine. Also having 1 copy of Core Set tips the favour for Hobbit heroes because of Fast Hitches.

E - Faramir / I'm not a big fan of Lore Faramir; high threat, inefficient stat distribution... but still much better tha Spirit Pippin in my opinion.
F - Gloin / Elrohir comsumes resources, Gloin makes resources.
G - Hama / This comparison doesn't even seem fair. One of most powerful tactics hero (in my view) v.s. Dwarf hero that gets shadowed by better Dwarf heroes.
H - Nori / Poor Dwalin.. he doesn't stand a chance when being compared to Nori.
I - Bifur / Once again, resource consumer v.s. resource generator (technically resource transfer).
J - Denethor / I personally don't use Denethor often anymore, but I'd definitely still choose Denethor over Oin.

K - Hirluin the Fair / Hirluin has low threat and can glue a deck together, Glorfindel has high threat and does not glue a deck together.

L - Frodo Baggins / Arguably one of best hero v.s. arguably one of worst hero. I will keep the benefit of keeping a hero alive in exchange for threat gain rather than penalty of losing a hero for 2 Stand and Fight.

M - Theodred / Reliable way of generating resource from turn 1.

N - Merry / Merry not only compensates low attack strength of Hobbits, but also can be quite broken when combined with Brand.

A - Beravor

B - Mirlonde

C - Pippin

D - Bilbo Baggins

E - Faramir

F - Gloin

G - Bombur

H - Dwalin

I - Elladan

J - Denethor

K - Hirliun the Fair

L - Caldara

M - Theodred

N - Fatty Bolger

Final 4 prediction:

Glorfindel (Spirit)


Sam Gamgee

Elrond (But possibly Beregond)

You can congratulate me in advance for nailing the top 4 winners right. :D

Yes yes Thank you, Thank you,


P.S. Dont even think about copying my predictions or else..... :P

Edited by Khamul The Easterling

Good idea!

Here's my votes:

A - Eleanor

B - Thalin

C - Pippin (Lore)

D - Imrahil

E - Faramir

F - Elrohir

G - Hama

H - Nori

I - Bifur

J - Denethor

K - Glorfindel (Lore)

L - Frodo Baggins

M - Theodred

N - Merry

All I added a running vote tally. Thanks to all the voters. Loved Ellareth and Jekzer's rationale. Khamul made some nice predictions and made interesting dark horse choices with Caldara and Fatty.

Some of the races are still pretty even, though we only have six votes so far.

A - Eleanor

B - Mirlonde

C - Pippin

D - Bilbo

E - Faramir

F - Elrohir

G - Hama

H - Nori(why Dwalin u got so low attack power and ur ability work only with orcs?!)

I - Elladan

J - Denethor

K - Hirluin

L - Frodo

M - Dunhere

N - Merry

Edited by Xaanalinos

A – Beravor*

B – Thalin*

C – Pippin (Lo)

D – Bilbo Baggins

E – Faramir

F – Elrohir

G – Hama

H – Nori

I – Elladan*

J – Denethor*

K – Hirluin the Fair

L - Frodo

M - Theodred

N – Merry

*The only ones I deliberated over - albeit very briefly

Count updated.

A - Beravor

B - Thalin

C - Brand

D - Imrahil

E - Faramir

F - Gloin

G - Hama

H - Nori

I - Bifur

J - Denethor

K - Glorfindel

L - Frodo

M - Theodred

N - Merry

A - Beravor

B - Mirlonde

C - Pippin (Lore)

D - Prince Imrahil

E - Faramir

F - Elrohir

G - Hama

H - Nori

I - Bifur

J - Denethor

K - Hirluin the Fair

L - Frodo Baggins

M - Theodred

N - Merry

Final 4 Prediction: Glorfindel (Spirit), Legolas, Dain Ironfoot, Elrond

Winner Prediction: Glorfindel (Spirit)

Edited by kyrie

A - Eleanor - Hard decision since they're both useful non-canon heroes. Went with Eleanor cause I like her art a bit more

B - Mirlonde - While i love Thalin's ability, I've been using and liking Mirlonde a lot this cycle especially with all the recent lore love in player cards

C - Pippin - Just not a fan of Brand, maybe its the multiplayer only ability, maybe its the art. Plus the new Pippin is really just awesome in both the aspects i dislike in Brand

D - Prince Imrahil - Strong often overshadowed character whos ability will always be useful. Not the biggest fan of Bilbo tho he does have his uses.

E - Faramir - Faramir is one of my faves and spirit pippin blows. Easiest decision i've made yet.

F - Elrohir - Also a big fan of the elf brothers. Gloin seems to have dipped into obsoleteness now anyway

G - Hama - Cool art and an amazing ability. Hama is just good stuff

H - Nori - More consistent threat reduction and he's holding a beer! whats not to like?

I - Elladan - Like i already said, I'm a fan of the elf brothers. Do like Bifur's art tho

J - Denethor - Love Denethor's scrying ability and he still holds up quite well defensively too. Oin is the definition of meh

K - Hirluin - Cool art and the lynchpin of one of the more powerful deck archetypes. Gets my vote

L - Frodo - Suberb ability on the ring bearer plus Caldara blows.

M - Theodred - They'll always be a place for low threat resource generation IMO

N - Merry - Good ability and the low threat cost is just what tactics has been begging for. Fatty is also kind of meh

Edited by Pharmboys2013

Count updated. Match up spotlight:

Prince Imrahil has made a recent comeback going from a 3-5 disadvantage to taking a razor thin 6-5 lead over Bilbo.

A direct quote from Prince Imrahil after the first period: "I hope people are voting for me. I mean for 2 extra threat, you get 5 extra stat points!"

Bilbo Baggins responded, "Prince who? Oh... that's right... I am Bilbo freaking Baggins!"

ffg_prince-imrahil-ajtr.jpg vs ffg_bilbo-baggins-thfg.jpg

Edited by Samwise Gamgee

Great idea! Here are my votes:

A – Eleanor: a hard choice between two heroes I like, but having treachery cancellation on standby is a life-saver. The better you know the encounter deck, the better Eleanor becomes.

B – Thalin: it feels great when one hitpoint enemies become blank encounter cards

C – Pippin (Lo): poor Brand. I dont even own Black Riders yet, but Lore Pippin looks better

D – Imrahil: another vote for Imrahil. Solid hero and fun thematically as he rushes to the rescue when someone falls

E – Faramir: I think Spirit Pippin has a lot more going on for him than people give him credit for, but Faramir is one of my favorie characters in the book and has an ability you can build a deck around

F – Gloin: I like the Elladan and Elrohir pairing, but wanted to throw some more love Gloin's way. He can still be a fun and useful hero in certain decks.

G – Hama: You can build entire decks around Hama's ability, which you can't say about a lot of heroes

H – Nori: Consitent threat lowering that is still good even with the errata.

I – Bifur: Lots of love for a low-threat Lore hero that can help with the resource smoothing in mutli-sphere decks, or even give a lore deck resource acceleration in a multi-player game.

J – Denethor: one of the best heros in a solo game, still solid in multi-player.

K –Glorfindel (Lo): underrated as a hero because of his spirit version and because Lore has better options for high-threat heroes. Still, his ability is useful, he's the same sphere as his mount, and his stats are solid.

L - Frodo: I'm a little surpised that Frodo is seeded this low. His ability is excellent, it fits great within his sphere, and it can bail the player/s out of bad situations.

M - Theodred: low threat and conistent resource acceleration. He makes it into a lot of my decks.

N – Merry: don't have Black Riders yet, but I'm excited to try him in hobbit decks and in mono-Tactics decks with Theoden.

Edited by Glowwyrm

A - Beravor

B - Thalin

C - Pippin

D - Imrahil

E - Faramir

F - Elrohir

G - Hama

H - Dwalin

I - Elladan

J - Denethor

K - Hirluin

L - Frodo

M - Theodred

N - Merry

A - Eleanor

B - Thalin

C - Pippin

D - Imrahil

E - Faramir

F - Elrohir

G - Hama

H - Nori

I - Elladan

J - Denethor

K - Glorfindel

L - Frodo

M - Theodred

N - Merry











K-Glorfindel (L)




Edited by iznax