Not sure how else to explain it. Can you buy EotE and play an Alliance character satisfactorily with what is provided? Are there stats for all the iconic ships, independent, Alliance, and Imperial? Are Jedi fleshed out where you could have a very fulfilling experience playing a Jedi in EotE? Can you play an Imperial? All that was possible with the WEG/D6 core rulebook, because it provided a full Star Wars experience.
That's what I mean by a generalized Core. A core rulebook with everything you need to make most any type of character or campaign, with supplements that add bonus material should you choose. D&D didn't have a Fighter Class Game, a Bard/Rogue Game, a Holy Game, and a Magic Game all rehashing the same core rules but adding classes/items for that particular class.
Okay, now I get it.
And now I know that my comparison to the Warhammer 40K line is perfect. Dark Heresy doesn't have rules for ships, it doesn't have rules for Space Marines, or for playing chaos. It doesn't even let you play in the Imperial Guard. so this isn't a unique or new thing, for FFG in particular.
But even DnD does this. You want to play in the Underdark, you need the book that lets you do that, if you want to play the game period, you need no less than three books, each one over $30, and none of them complete to even start to play the game. If you want to play any race not in the Player's Handbook 1 (or you want to play a class that wasn't Arcane, Divine, or Martial; such as a Primal hero like the classic Barbarian), of which I think there was only 6 race options? maybe 8 (I gave my DnD stuff a friends so I don't have it on hand) available, you have to get Player's Handbook 2 or 3, or one the "Heroes of the..." books (Feywild, Underdark, Elemetal Chaos).
What I'm trying to show is that one core book and 50 supplements, vs. 3 core books and twelve supplements doesn't matter in the end. No game is complete by that standard. All games are growing and developing.
Edited by TCBC Freak