So, you want me to pay to get a book that you want feedback on, that has a built in obsolesce because of this, so that I can turn around and buy it again in a few months?
You want me to pay you for the privilege of giving you feedback?
I bought Edge. I bought the dice. But I don't know if I'm going to be buying anymore. I really wanted to support this game, hell's bells I'm from the Twin Cities and was really excited to hear that Fantasy Flight got the license. But after getting it? I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed that X-Wing's and Star Destroyer's were missing from EoE. I'm disappointed that the Force was only a hand wave there at all. And now this? I feel like you're trying to take advantage of myself, and the community as well, with how this play test is set up.
This feels like a money grab version of what Paizo does for their major Pathfinder releases, and what Wizard's has been doing for 5th edition D&D. Both of those companies give you the play test material for free. I know from experience that the folks on the Paizo board are very responsive to comments, and I remember seeing how Pathfinder changed due to comments. I can't speak for the DnDN play test, but I've heard from others that changes did seem to reflect what was being said online. This though, this look just so far along that the play test is being done to pander, or it's simply the new, trendy, thing to do. Not to mention the cost involved for the players.
Either the books are a waste of money because so much will be changed in response to the user feedback (that user's had to pay in order to submit), or the developers basically have everything buttoned up, and are using the play test as an editing/fact checking final polish that they're being payed to have done.
Either way, it'd be a waste of my money. Not speaking for others, maybe you don't mind double paying for your books, and paying for the privilege of being used as a play tester, but I don't like it myself.
I'm getting to the point, in fact, that I don't know if this whole system is going to end up being a waste of my money.
Yes, yes, fellow forum goers. Sour grapes (I'm obviously full, just full of them). What do the developers care about me bitching (I'm just one person, why should FF care about losing my business, and I suppose that is correct, I doubt they'd even notice). If I don't like it, I don't have to play it (obviously). I'm just a nay sayers who hates new things/systems (you're welcome to your opinion of my opinion, go nuts). Etc, etc, etc.
But I'm part of the Star Wars community too. And I'm not going to be the only player that feels they're being taken advantage of, or wasting their money, or simply tired of being yanked around by what doesn't feel like a complete Star Wars game. And maybe I am alone in that. But maybe I'm not too.
Anyway, that's what I have to say.
Ogre out.
Water and Shade all.
Edited by SprainOgre