Lets just clarify things.
Getting 3 leads in a turn is not normal. It is possible but not every turn. The average seems to be 2.
The discussion seems to have got out of hand with certain things. My basic points are
1. Placing a puzzle piece is way more powerful than placing a single piece of evidence
- Placing 1 piece of evidence on 1 suspect generally has a small effect on things, if any at all. Of course, sometimes it does. If you are lucky enough to draw the right ones and put them in the right places it will affect things.
- Placing a piece of the puzzle lets you
a) Get the bonus on the back of the card. The shifting is ok. The "gain a free favour" is simply amazing. Normally you have to travel somewhere and spend 2 time to get these, but here they are free. The baggage is also awesome, compared to what you have to normally do to get one of them.
b) Place a piece on the board and really influence what gets linked up at the end. Or cause dead ends to completely mess up another players links they want
c) Get the free bonus on the front on the tile. This includes moving a lead yourself, which is really good, snatching it away from someone else and placing it near yourself, getting a dropship pass (awesome), placing a hit, or even placing another free puzzle piece, etc.
d) Possibly score one or more conspiracy tokens.
All in all, placing a puzzle piece is far superior to placing a piece of evidence. You get nothing directly for placing a piece of evidence.
Lets look in more detail. Assume the first pile of puzzle pieces have gone.
I follow up a lead. I could draw 1 random piece of evidence and get something rubbish. Or, I could place a middle puzzle piece and get a free favour, as well as possibly extending the links I want or messing up someone else. I might also get a dropship, or some other goodies.
Absolutely no contest at all.
This is a lot of groups after they have played it once or twice have players who realise this and therefore the conspiracy gets completed early on. If a player decided not to try with the puzzle (for whatever reason), this would obviously slow down the completion of the puzzle, but it means the players who do complete the conspiracy are normally way ahead on points because they've been getting all the cool free bonuses for every piece they place.