'Terror In Venice' League

By Hybrid, in CoC General Discussion

All of the LCGs benefit from the great support and enthusiasm provided by our local players and game store Epic Loot ! Our Cthulhu LCG league is the original and we've enjoyed a number of fun and interesting formats including: Cenacle Multiplayer, Cube, Subtype and Conspiracy. The below Conspiracy card with borrowed and modified artwork was created by players Kathryn Dowell and Jeffrey Secrest and was used in our Subtype theme Walpurgisnacht league. Steven Perry won that league with Criminals and then pushed Tom Capor to the brink with his Syndicate deck in the Regional that followed. Feel free to make use of the image with our compliments!

*For some reason we were not allowed to post the image so we will try some other way!*

With the release of the wonderfully themed Terror In Venice deluxe box set we've been inspired to create another Conspiracy card that we will make available to the community. In the meantime we will share our concept so other leagues can give it a try.
The intention of this format is to not 'dip a toe in' but to encourage players to jump in, immersing themselves in the themes and mechanics of the new set!
Each player chooses two factions from Terror In Venice and builds their deck using all three copies of those cards with the exception of an optional two copies for Uniques. The remaining slots can be filled without any restriction (50 card min). A player must have a Conspiracy story card in their won pile to win a game. Non-Conspiracy story cards are dealt face down and their effects must be triggered if able. When a player 'plays' a Day card he may look at a face-down story card returning it to that orientation afterwards. When a Player 'plays' a Night card he may choose and shuffle a face-down story card back into the story deck replacing it with another from the story deck, leaving all success tokens in place.

If you can't get the image to post, can you at least post the text of the card for us to see?

Sounds like an interesting format to try!