When does End Times enter the discard pile?

By sammann11, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Double checking on the timing of when End Times enters my discard deck:

Play End times, shuffle the top 10 cards back into my deck, draw the top 10, put the units into play, discard the rest, then End Times enters discard pile.

Is this correct?

Looks okay to me. You resolved it, so then it goes in the discard pile.

Thanks HappyDD. Any clue when the next podcast for Winvasion will be up?

Never. You see, I've usurped the throne from Torsten, but I don't know how to work any of the machines.


Never. You see, I've usurped the throne from Torsten, but I don't know how to work any of the machines.

So, who's writting the stuff here? =)