Hello brothers in arms,
Following my impressions / comments to the psychic chapter:
> Rules for Astropaths & Soul Binding would be nice
> Add a table which shows which Psy Rating is about which declaration (Alpha, Beta-Psyker...)
> Sustaining gives only +2 on the Perils table ? I would give a little more
> Would limit number of allowed Disciplines to Psy Rating/2 (rounded up)
> There are effectivly doubles, that should only be 1 scaling power (with PR) and replace the other by a missing psy power from DH1:
- Foreboding / Forewarning
- Precognition / Prescience / Winding Fate
Those above are way too similar to be 2 or even 3 psy powers (a waste of slots)
For these, it would be better to bring back Soul Sight & Dowsing
> Perfect Timing: very situational; better change it to sth like Divine Shot from DH1
> Telepathic Link should be split into 2 psy powers: Mind Scan & Telepathy
To put these 2 together into one Psy Power creates an odd feeling.
It also makes this Psy Power quite unbalanced. It is too ineffective for simple telepathic communication, and way too easy for scanning minds.
> can spontaneous Combustion also set objects afire ? Can it make a promethium tank explode ? This should be mentioned.
> can manipulate flame stop flamers & meltas from being used while sustained ? Can it prevent powers from other Pyromants ?
This should be mentioned.
> I especially miss the following 4 psy powers quite badly; these are all from DH1 and all really good useable in my oppinion and have no direct replacement in DH2 yet:
- Dowsing
- Soul Sight
- Cellular Control
- Psychic Blade (essential for templar like or assassin-like psykers)
- Projection
> some of the minor powers where quite cool...would be nice if they find their way into the trees of the main powers in some shape (like e.g. Wall Walk)
> In general, some more Psy Powers would be nice, which have a quite different feeling to the existing one, which yet feel a little generic
> Psyniscience
- this skill should be ONLY available for psykers; this would also mean to gibe non-psyker AAT characters an alternative skill
- its use should give hard penalties on the throw to recognize psykers or daemons who currently do not actively use psy powers daemonic powers. Otherwise, this can very easily become a plot killer
> I am not a fan of the psychic power trees. They are too restrictive and should be much flatter with more freedom of choice
Edited by GauntZero