I have been thinking of a custom investigator, though I haven't played enough times to be certain a design will work.
Occupation: Belly Dancer
Sanity: 7
Stamina: 3
Special: Seduction - at when she begins Combat, she can try to "seduce" another investigator into taking her Stamina loss. If a male investigator who wants to resist can roll a Luck(-2) check, a female investigator a Luck(-1).
Common Items: Physical Weapon - Scimitar 1H if used with magical Zils, 2H otherwise otherwise like Ancient Spear, Veils of Illusion (+1 to Sneak)
Unique Item: Magical Weapon Zils of Medusa 1H (freezes monsters +2 Combat, +2 Lore )
I think she'd be very high in Sneak, Will, and Lore
My thought is that she might be fun to play - although she's not a great fighter, if she successfully seduces another investigator (who does not need to be at the same location) into taking the fall for her, then she might be pretty tough to kill. The idea of conning some other character into taking damage for you intrigues me.