Hello guys - me again :-)
This time - my biggest issues with the armoury chapter:
1.) The shotgun needs to be more unique and to feel more like a shotgun - at least it needs to be buffed a little and be made different to being a flamer without burning
2.) Bolter pen seems a little too low. Please dont stick this iconic weapons on a pen of 2. At least give them the respect of pen 3 or 4. It should also be considered to give the bolt pistol a RoF of 1.
3.) Plasma weapons seem too strong. The pen is too high and weakens the melta in comparison. A pen of 8 would be high enough in my oppinion.
It would also be a good compensation for the too good weapon, to have a more dangerous and serious downside - this would also fit fluff-wise.
4.) The flamers damage is a little high...maybe considering to lower it by 1 could make sense
5.) Chain weapons seem a little too weak, also the knife. In contrast, Improvised seems to be a little too good
6.) In general, I think melee weapon RoF scale to imbalanced sometimes. It would maybe be better to scale them softer with characteristic bonus/2 (rounded up) instead of the whole bonus.
Like for swords: WsB/2 - 2 instead of WsB - 3
7.) It feels strange to have the strength bonus sometimes in a melee weapons pen, sometimes in the damage and sometimes nowhere...this should be re-thought.
8.) The agility limitation for armour seems too a high number (restriction should be harder)
At the moment, for most armour it is not a restriction at all, if it is not a Agility-heavy character (Ag 50+).
This would both help to restrict the OP position of Agility a little, and to make the choice of armour not only relevent for armour value
Maybe it would also be nice to add 1 or 2 additional armours to have a little more variety
9.) No saving throws against sapping and crippling seems tough...
10.) Shouldnt the Eviscerator be unbalanced ?
11.) Concussive should not be only 1 round, but DoF
12.) Weapon mechandrite should get some kind of bonus
13.) Toxic only 1 round ? Whats the use of detox then ?
Also, in general, I miss rules for applying toxins to weapons. I would like to have some additional toxins that can be used in any toxic weapon as a replacement for the standard toxic toxin, with some rules how to do this, incl. How many doses one application has
14.) Does the excessive use of influence loss of 1 Influence bonus mean -10 on the value ?
15.) Please bring back the Mechanicus Implants somehow. Or at least the Potentia Coil.
I just dont feel like a techpriest without it somehow...
I also think that the cap on cybernetics is too hard for techpriests.
Maybe the mechanicus implants can come back with the Adeptus Mechanicus Background and grant additional possible cybernetics ?
Edited by GauntZero