While the Deaf trait points out that the trait can be countered through the use of bionic replacements, there is no such concession for the Blind trait.
The effects include "a force field with a protection rating of 1d5–1 that rolls X 1d5s when activated". I'm not sure what the second part of that sentence is referring to; maybe a typo?
Extra Arms
I think there needs to be some clarity around how the Extra Arms trait works. First, it allows an extra attack action to be made each round per extra arm. Does this include psychic attacks? Second, Are these extra attacks affected by the Dual Wielder talent?
I'm guessing no and yes, but I think this needs to be clarified.
Altitude (boxout)
These rules are a bit of a mess. Hovering is fine as it is, but Low and High Altitude are poorly written. I'd suggest:
- Low Altitude (2 - 200m): Characters at this altitude cannot engage or be engaged in melee combat with characters that are not at low altitude.
- High Altitude (over 200m): Characters at this altitude cannot engage or be engaged in melee combat with characters that are not at high altitude. They also cannot engage or be engaged in ranged combat with characters that are not at low or high altitude, unless using weapons designed for such a purpose.