I'm starting this thread to discuss any playtesting (or hypothetical) issues with the Divination psyker powers. I have a number of issues with the current system. They're below, in rough order of importance (well, to me). I'd also like to hear everyone else's thoughts on this power. What are you top issues? What do you like and not like about it?
In honor of the power's theme, I'm going to phrase my suggested fixes in the form of a prediction.
1. Vague mechanics. This is a problem for three of the powers; prescience, precognition, and misfortune. I think it benefits both players and GMs when powers have somewhat more defined effects. Now, a power to see the future is always going to be a bit of a problem area for RPGs, and I'm glad that they thought of putting in a sidebar for GM guidance, but honestly, the sidebar isn't that helpful.
The tea leaves tell me that in a future update, there will be... one, a more defined effect for Misfortune (example: if affected player rolls a "1" or "2" on the ones digit of a roll, the action automatically fails - a victim of misfortune). Two, examples of good ways to GM the prescient powers. Or maybe guidance that explores different methods to GM this. For example, for an "alternate histories" method, you could give quite detailed information about the future and the PCs would have to live with the fact that if they act on it, they change it. OTOH in an "one hazy future" method, the GM should focus on giving information that is highly unlikely to change based on what they do...but the quality of which is very dependent on Dos or power.
2. Duplication which also causes loss of breadth. I see very little need for a prescience and a precognition power; they could easily be replaced with a single power with a nonlinear range; (maybe table-based). At the same time, Divination lost dowsing, which was a very good thematic fit and a nice narrative support power for investigator or bounty hunter archetypes.
Four black crows flew across my path yesterday, an augury that the design team will... combine precognition and prescience. Use the extra spot to expand the breadth of the power with something different. Personally, I liked dowsing, but I'd probably be happy with just about anything that expands the breadth of the set of powers.
3. Starting power. Big props to the design team for putting the "signature" power of pyromancy, telekinesis, and telepathy first in the chain, and doing it in a way that doesn't either under-power or over-power it. Great job, guys! I mean it, I really think that was well done. Unfortunately, this leaves Biomancy and Divination a bit out in the cold. Biomancy got a power that's almost telepathy-like, and Divination got the power to see through smoke and darkness. Really? REALLY? IMO that's a side-route power, at best.
In last night's dream, I saw (or maybe it was just the chili)... moving prescience up to the keystone spot. Hey look, especially if you're going to leave the mechanics vague, it's not going to be that unbalancing, is it? Per issue #2, put a new narrative power where prescience is now. Make warp perception a side-link to it. Then...hey, look you have ANOTHER wonderful open spot to add yet another narrative power, where precognition is now.
4. Perfect timing. I'm okay with divination not having a great offensive power. Foreboding and forewarning are pretty good defensive powers, after all (IMO), and Ed2 makes it much much easier to multi-power. Still, you'd think a person who can see the future might at least be able to emulate the advantage given by the "targeter" weapon modification.
The magic 8-ball says: well, just rethink what should go in this offensive slot, guys. I doubt a power that costs 2AP to reduce cover by 1-5 points is going to get much play.