First to post this again. I think I'm following this closely...
Character Creation:
The new rules for Home Planet Fate Points are interesting. I'm still a bit skeptical on how balanced they make the Home Planets, since I don't think the special abilities really balance things out too well. I remain convinced that Games Workshop has made FFG sign a binding contract that Voidborn must always have the practically worthless Zero G ability.
Hooray for fixing the Mystic! The Astra Telepathica path is still pretty strongly tied to Psykers/having a psyker in the party, but it's an improvement.
Seems like FFG is trying to weaken the First Aid use of Medicae a bit. I wonder if this is meant to in turn weaken Agility's usefulness, or is just meant to weaken the skill itself a bit?
These all seem like pretty basic tweaks. The fix to Keen Intuition has shown up. I'm also glad to see Dual Wielder show up. Hooray for just letting people dual wield, **** it!
I imagine the change with Agility limits on armours will incite some debate. I like how they add a bit of balance to maxing out Agility by limiting it to 75. Also, Body Gloves FINALLY have some usefulness. Maybe it would help to give them a Body Armour of 3? Or would that be too much?
I like Surprise mechanics better now, although there still seems to be a pretty good chance of high agility characters being able to completely avoid the effects of surprise. Would it really be too lethal to just have them lose all their AP for the turn?
The wound tables all seem to be fixed up to allow people to just use the effects as they wish and ignore the descriptions. I think this is a decent compromise for people wondering about the narrative effects.
There are some other changes (fixes to malignancies and insanities), but overall I think this is a pretty good update. I still believe that there are imbalances in character creation (home planet abilities/fate points, starting benefits of backgrounds, differing background skill xp totals based on role), but this is a pretty good step, I think.