SkittlesAreYum said:
Related to the dodge discussion, how does it work for Aimed attacks? An aim is functionally identical to a dodge, so I would think the hero must decide whether to add power dice *before* they do their reroll.
Definitely. If the attack is Aimed, then the moment you declare your reroll with Aim is the last chance the OL has to play a Dodge card (since it cancels the Aim reroll, rather than doing a second reroll afterwards). Since we know that the Dodge card has to come before the Aim reroll and that it has to come after the fatigue dice, the fatigue dice definitely all have to come before the Aim reroll.
haslo said:
Wasn't the large monster movement rule completely gone from the version of two weeks ago?
Yes, along with a lot of other stuff. I think that retracting that particular rule would be a good idea, but my current theory is that they never intended to remove it, the version two weeks ago just had a bunch of accidental deletions.
If someone is feeling industrious, you could compare the questions missing from the FAQ two weeks ago with the stuff that is incorrectly printed in red in this FAQ--I bet you'd find a correlation.