I've used a dragon deck in four player long ago, against an asshai shadow, lannister kneel, and greyjoy discard decks. I kept getting locked down, I got fed up and crafted a Brotherhood deck, which fares way better, but I thought about bringing the dragons back every now and then, but I'm haunted by memories of crushing defeats. Is there a way to salvage dragons in melee, or should I just move on for good? The dragon deck was your run-of-the-mill Heir to the iron throne agenda, 3 dragons+Dany (QOD, of course) very ambush-heavy with true queen's harbinger and plenty of influence providing locations, trait manipulation to turn my other characters into dragons, and dragon's lore to summon Balerion.
I kept getting crushed by various kill cards, kneel effects,and other things that target characters without an intrigue icon, such as wicked seductress, M argaery Tyrell (Tftrk) and The only game that matters (LotR) And of course the horrible horrible: Shadows and Spiders (LotR) plot card, which effectively caused me to miss a turn. Wex Pyke (Kings of the sea) made my dragons unable to block unless I got Daemon Blackfyre (Tftrk) which I only acquired recently. The Iron Throne and Lannisport Brothel (Both LotR) kept me on lockdown. And Nurtured by the Crone can stop Viserion and Drogon from targeting unique characters and locations, and Seasick (Kings of the Sea) hurts aswell because my influence is usually spent by the challenge phase. It just seems like there's so much working against me, is there any hope?