Few questions for starters, help!!!

By porsh111, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Can hero hit himself?

Creatures with bleed, when attacking hero, they "bleed" the enemy hero just by not thowring X ? Or must they inflict 1 wound to hero (means have more damage, than hero has armor) ?

We also didn't know the moving rules. Can hero go between 2 rubbles, that are adjacent diagonally. Can hero go between the rubble, and the "wall" of dungeon, that are adjacent diagonally? can hero go between a "wall" and pit that are adjacent diagonally, or must he "jump" over?

By "wall" I mean the "wall" of dungeon, where the ground tiles are no more.

Thanks for answers!!

According to the gathered list of answered questions , heroes cannot target their own square unless under the influence of Dark Charm. I personally think that's stupid, but that's the official answer.

Bleed (and similar attack effects, like Burn, Stun, Knockback, etc.) trigger if the attack inflicts at least one damage before armor. So they don't happen if you roll an X, and they also don't happen if you miss due to range or you roll zero damage, but those things don't usually come up (for example, it's impossible for a Ferrox to roll zero damage or miss due to range, so it inflicts Bleed on anything but an X).

Figures can move diagonally as long as the destination square isn't blocked, even if all other squares in the area are blocked. See the diagram on page 9 of the rulebook for an example (that works even if the monster is replaced with more rubble, or a wall).

Thanks for asnwers!!!!!!!

Although there is another question bothering us. In the Descent: Well of Darkness( 2006 ), Quest 1:

When the mine is collapsing, the tiles are being removed. OL casted mimic on a Copper treasure. It turned into beastman, and then the beastman stayed on the tile, which was removed. So he died from mine collapse. So question now is: do we get the Copper treasure?

I don't have the card or the quest in front of me right now, but I seem to recall that the Mimic card says that the heroes get the treasure when the chest is killed, and that the quest says that any figures in a section of the mine that is removed are instantly killed, so I believe the heroes get the treasure. I certainly wouldn't allow the treasure to be lost just because another monster killed the chest, so I don't think it matters who kills the chest (or how), just whether it lives or dies.

Antistone said:

I don't have the card or the quest in front of me right now, but I seem to recall that the Mimic card says that the heroes get the treasure when the chest is killed, and that the quest says that any figures in a section of the mine that is removed are instantly killed, so I believe the heroes get the treasure. I certainly wouldn't allow the treasure to be lost just because another monster killed the chest, so I don't think it matters who kills the chest (or how), just whether it lives or dies.

I second everything you say here, and the Mimic does say that you have to kill the mimic to get the treasure.