Hey all it's been a while and some problems have come up.
So initiative is a pretty easy concept but it gets tricky when it comes to holding turns.
For instance on more than one occasion I had a player hold their turn to wait for the enemy to attack so that they could attack the enemy instead. What I want to know is who goes first? On one hand I would say the player who held their turn does but on the other hand once it has been announced that the enemy is attacking they are physically attacking in that time frame so I would think that they both act at the same time. So basically I am trying to figure out time management. I understand that distance can play a factor but I am talking as if they are right next to each other. Is there rules on who's action goes through and who's doesn't?
What about a direct clash? Say the enemy is attacking the player who held his turn and the player says he wants to attack that enemy right then. Is there special rules for the exchanges of attacks like each person rolling their attack ability and whoever has the highest punches through? Would the losers attack ability double as a defensive ability in terms of damage calculations? What about the scenario of both parties landing a hit at the same time?
Okay so the other matter. I was wondering if movement value can be used for evasive manuevers. Say that a non combat type like a summoner holds his turn in anticipation of being attacked could he declared that he is using his full movement value to try to jump out of the way of melee attacks or running to avoid projectiles. Would that work? I realize that such a manuever would require the ability to make active actions. if it is allowable what are the rules for it?
Okay lastly on ki techniques. In the core book there is a pregenerated tree of speed techniques and all of them give an initiative boost that is not maintained which seems pointless. Also in the descriptions it mentions that these techniques can sometimes cause the user to surprise his opponent. What that mean? is the initiative boost added to the users final initiative when activated even though they can't use it until it is there turn according to initiative. What is the point? Once intiative has been determined it doesn't change that round. Plus even if it is added to it since the user has to wait for his turn it wouldn't help him act before someone with a higher initiative. So what is the perk of the non maintained initiative boost?