
By JigDoc, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I've read on this forum that you can wear armor and a shield generator at once and that got me thinking about maxing out defense to see if it could be viable.
Heavy Battle Armor +1 defense +2 soak
Superior Quality +1 soak -1 encumbrance

Gadgeteer +1 soak +1 defense

Jury Rig +1 defense
Personal Deflector Shield +2 defense
Tinkerer since it doesn't have any hard points
Superior Quality +1 soak -1 encumbrance

Jury Rig +1 defense

+6 defense +5 soak for only 2 total encumbrance
Off the top of my head that's the highest defense I've come up with. Probably won't even matter that much since black die suck.

Defense and soak from armor don't stack that way. You take the best one for each. So you are looking at 3 or 4 tops.

I've read on this forum that you can wear armor and a shield generator at once and that got me thinking about maxing out defense to see if it could be viable.
Heavy Battle Armor +1 defense +2 soak
Superior Quality +1 soak -1 encumbrance

Gadgeteer +1 soak +1 defense

Jury Rig +1 defense
Personal Deflector Shield +2 defense
Tinkerer since it doesn't have any hard points
Superior Quality +1 soak -1 encumbrance

Jury Rig +1 defense

+6 defense +5 soak for only 2 total encumbrance
Off the top of my head that's the highest defense I've come up with. Probably won't even matter that much since black die suck.

Defense and soak from armor don't stack that way. You take the best one for each. So you are looking at 3 or 4 tops.

Yea you are right. Completely worthless.

I've read on this forum that you can wear armor and a shield generator at once and that got me thinking about maxing out defense to see if it could be viable.
Heavy Battle Armor +1 defense +2 soak
Superior Quality +1 soak -1 encumbrance

Gadgeteer +1 soak +1 defense

Jury Rig +1 defense
Personal Deflector Shield +2 defense
Tinkerer since it doesn't have any hard points
Superior Quality +1 soak -1 encumbrance

Jury Rig +1 defense

+6 defense +5 soak for only 2 total encumbrance
Off the top of my head that's the highest defense I've come up with. Probably won't even matter that much since black die suck.

Defense and soak from armor don't stack that way. You take the best one for each. So you are looking at 3 or 4 tops.

Yea you are right. Completely worthless.

Don't discount those threat dice. I've played enough of this game a lot of WFRP to see them in action (and the black dice in Warhammer don't have as many bad symbols as threat dice) and a couple of them can easily derail a supposedly easy roll.

Hi there!

I have one doubt. Maybe its only my point of view but, in Edge its pretty easy to hit someon right? I mean, if one of the best soldiers in the galaxy can only have between 3 and 5 defense Setback (armor and others) dices and also can make a few Difficulty dice upgrades thanks to the spend of Strain with some talents, can be this character easily hit by a group of 4 Storm troopers with 3 Proficency dices? I know that you can always consider Cover and distance but, without armor, the systems seems preety deadly.

I'm right or I'm missing something?


Hi there!

I have one doubt. Maybe its only my point of view but, in Edge its pretty easy to hit someon right? I mean, if one of the best soldiers in the galaxy can only have between 3 and 5 defense Setback (armor and others) dices and also can make a few Difficulty dice upgrades thanks to the spend of Strain with some talents, can be this character easily hit by a group of 4 Storm troopers with 3 Proficency dices? I know that you can always consider Cover and distance but, without armor, the systems seems preety deadly.

I'm right or I'm missing something?


The system is pretty rough, yes. The problem I think that some of us have with HBA is not with the mechanics of the game, it has more to do with the narrative. At least that is my problem with HBA.

Who wears that type of armor? Military type personnel and outlaws. My GM, and I am sure others, would have a lot of fun with us if we started wearing such armors. If we were on Tatooine for instance, we may not have to deal with the Empire, but what about all the established underworld types that like the way their business is running? Who are these people? What are they doing here? Are they a threat or do they want to make nice?

We wouldn't get away with wearing HBA on pretty much any level until we had a reputation like that of Boba Fett. Even then, we would still get hassled by the Empire and others I am sure.

I'm right or I'm missing something?

Combat in this game is dangerous, far more so than you'll find in your average d20 system such as D&D, Pathfinder, or even the various WotC Star Wars games. It also helps keep combat encounters from dragging on, as can happen in d20 particularly when the PCs have accrued plenty of experience points.

In a way, this system is kind of like WFRP 2nd edition, where in most instances, you want to try and avoid a fight if you can rather than rush in with blasters blazing.

Yep, it seem so.

I don't like games with almost inmortal heroes than can only be hit with 17 or more in a d20 or must reach 30 with 6D. Also the heroes concept "I have 200 HP so you can hit me with a 5d10x5 turbolaser and will still alive" doesn't match with my ideal game XD

Games like "Aquelarre", "Legend of the 5 Rings" or WEG Lotro where absolutelly deadly games... I don't want that too XD

Edge seems that combat is REALLY dangerous but doesn't arrive to those levels but its hard to imagine or represent those scenes in movies where heroes survive to a full barrage of clones or Empire soldiers without almost any damage (only Leia and Luke were minor damaged in "furtive" shots (Also the might Boba Fett XD).

So, any idea to interpretate those scenes or I just to say to my players "look for a technician and aim for the most expensive armor on the table if do you wanna live" XD

Another player just told me to introduce the "Dodge/Parry" skill on the game but... I'm not sure if this will broke the mechanics.


Honestly you want to boost your offensive capabilities and end fights asap. You can't survive prolonged fights with tough opponents.

Yep, it seem so.

I don't like games with almost inmortal heroes than can only be hit with 17 or more in a d20 or must reach 30 with 6D. Also the heroes concept "I have 200 HP so you can hit me with a 5d10x5 turbolaser and will still alive" doesn't match with my ideal game XD

Games like "Aquelarre", "Legend of the 5 Rings" or WEG Lotro where absolutelly deadly games... I don't want that too XD

Edge seems that combat is REALLY dangerous but doesn't arrive to those levels but its hard to imagine or represent those scenes in movies where heroes survive to a full barrage of clones or Empire soldiers without almost any damage (only Leia and Luke were minor damaged in "furtive" shots (Also the might Boba Fett XD).

So, any idea to interpretate those scenes or I just to say to my players "look for a technician and aim for the most expensive armor on the table if do you wanna live" XD

Another player just told me to introduce the "Dodge/Parry" skill on the game but... I'm not sure if this will broke the mechanics.


There is a dodge/defensive stance/side step mechanic in the game. You just need to spend strain to use them.

Edited by Crimson Death

Yep, those instances are an extra option but there isn't enough Strain to recreate most scenes on movies/TV shows (I'm not counting "Jedi scenes" because mechanics isn't implemented yet).

So, I'm still confused about some scenes like "Han Solo or Cad Bane against lots of clone/storm troopers".

The only explanation I can find its: that your GM its your girlfriend/boyfriend XD

Ehhh, this one has been discussed a bunch, but you have to keep in mind that most of the "troopers" that we see in the movies would be Minions under the rules -- at most less than half the wound threshold of a player character, they go down on any Critical Injury, and if they're acting individually they're treated as being entirely unskilled... while in a group they get (group size - 1) ranks but only in certain skills, which also means that every Minion downed is one less rank in that skill, and a group may only make one attack (that is, against one target -- even with auto-fire, there's still a primary target).

In contrast, Han Solo and Chewbacca are the equivalent of somewhat-advanced PCs (accrued and spent a bunch of XP over the years before Episode IV) so most of the time they're going to be shooting with a higher Ranged (Heavy) or (Light) skill than even stormtroopers who are grouped (in the game mechanics); the bit about "one attack" means that that group is going to be shooting at Han or Chewie; they have to split into two groups to attack both simultaneously, but that means less skill ranks for the purposes of each group's attack rolls against either, and the more group members that Han or Chewie drop, the further the skill ranks drop too!

(It may be unintuitive, but every successful attack also does "bonus" damage since the +1 to damage per uncancelled success includes the one which resulted in the hit... which in the case of blaster rifles with a base damage of 9, guarantees that a blaster rifle will drop a stormtrooper if it hits; in the case of a heavy blaster pistol such as Han or Luke's with a base damage of 7, having three uncancelled successes would achieve the same "one-shot" damage, assuming that they didn't simply get enough Advantages to spend to call a critical hit, immediately dropping/taking out the stormtrooper.)

Also, keep in mind that most unmodified armor is just soak, only heavy battle armor (HBA) and armored clothing add to defense without attachments, modifications or other methods... and those two would if unmodified only give as much ranged defense as being behind cover anyway! I bring this up since you've got Han Solo using cover both in the movie and in that one image of him in the book screaming while wielding a blaster and wearing appropriated stormtrooper armor without the helmet.

Edited by Chortles

Probably you are right

Minion system is one of the best ideas to recreate some scenes, but still lacks a bit.

Just a 4 minion group ST has 3 Proficency dices, thats enough to beat 2 Difficulty dices (range) 1 Setback from armor or cover. Even a veteran like Han can upgrade that difficulty 1 or 2 thanks to Dodge and probably not so much turns or he will burn out his Strain, so, due to lack of common defensive options and seems that heavy and improved armors are hard to "find", this seems to me that normal people like Cad Bane or Han Solo will have problems with those "small" groups.

Again, if I'm missing something, just someone tell me please. Thanks!

Keep in mind that most unmodified armors won't give Han or Chewie the defense bonus that cover would (+1, though cover can potentially give more) so the armors' soak is irrelevant if the stormtroopers can't actually hit them to begin with... an example I use is that the stormtroopers would attack Han or Chewbacca alone at Ranged (Heavy) 3, but that leaves the other untouched for the round, meaning that both Han and Chewie could both attack and theoretically get a stormtrooper each... assuming that they didn't do so much damage as to drop multiple stormtroopers in their attacks! Conversely, if the stormtroopers instead tried to attack both Han and Chewie in the same round, they could split into two pairs, but then they'd each be attacking their respective targets at only Ranged (Heavy) 1...

Yep, those instances are an extra option but there isn't enough Strain to recreate most scenes on movies/TV shows (I'm not counting "Jedi scenes" because mechanics isn't implemented yet).

So, I'm still confused about some scenes like "Han Solo or Cad Bane against lots of clone/storm troopers".

The only explanation I can find its: that your GM its your girlfriend/boyfriend XD

It only costs how ever many ranks you have in one of those abilities for the whole round. Say you had 2 ranks in side step you could use that ability for 5+ rounds and add 2 purple die to every ranged attack roll against you. That's pretty **** good especially if you stay at medium to long rang. They'd have to roll 4-5 purple die against you.

Boost Cool as high as possible so you can regain as much strain after combat and just spam those abilities.

Adds purples or upgrade the existing ones to red?

By the way, yes, seems than it will be enough to resist a small group of minions a few turns.

And about armors, some of you said that you add Setbacks to armor based on its weight (encumbrance) or its type of armor?


Adds purples or upgrade the existing ones to red?

By the way, yes, seems than it will be enough to resist a small group of minions a few turns.

And about armors, some of you said that you add Setbacks to armor based on its weight (encumbrance) or its type of armor?


Defensive Stance, Side Step and Dodge upgrade the difficulty of the attack. So if you were at medium range and used 2 strain to do one of those things instead of 2 purple die they'd roll 2 red die. Still not spectacular but purple die have 3 failure sides while red die have 7 failure sides.

I duno why I thought it added purple die. Musta been still asleep hah.

XD Don't worry, its just internet jet-lag :D

Red dices maybe a small sollution, thank you!

XD Don't worry, its just internet jet-lag :D

Red dices maybe a small sollution, thank you!

It's a little better than not doing anything.

Honestly the best defense is a good offense.

I'll add my agreement, it was the point of relating all the bits about Han/Chewie's offensive options versus the group rules.

As I told in another old post, maybe not so much defenses to non-sensitives are needed.

I tested a few things with some dices and variants and... those dice combinations are MAGIC!

People from FFG have designed something INCREDIBLE. A guy with 2 Yellow and 1 Green uses to roll better results than someone with just 5 Greens!

I made a few sessions and... I can't explains it, just MAGIC! XD

Thanks :D

Edited by Josep Maria