So has anyone played it?
Is it great? Is it Horrible?
What do you all think?
Me personally, I've got all but 5 of the achievements and 100% completion and I thought it was a great game!
So has anyone played it?
Is it great? Is it Horrible?
What do you all think?
Me personally, I've got all but 5 of the achievements and 100% completion and I thought it was a great game!
I must play this game...*drools*
I really want to play it on PS3 though instead of 360 because of the controls. I played liek 20 minutes worth at my friends house when he got it and all I remember was having so much added difficulty because I was so used to the playstation controls.
someone tell me about it...NOW
OMG amazing this game is awesome im guessing 360 and PS3 are idenitical but i can only vouch for the 360. what can i say gameplay is amazing-story is awesome- graphics are godly-amazing game i am probably going to sell plasma just so i can get this game thats how good it is.-my friend has it and he brought it over- but yea...
wow sorry i killed this thread i was just kidding but yea its a great game. this game also pretty much explains everything about the virus etc. whether you like it or not it doesnt leave you wondering anything well maybe it does.
Glad to hear you guys enjoyed it. I managed to get all the achievements on the 360 just in time for them to add 10 more for the Versus mode.
Speaking of which, have you guys played Versus? It is tons of fun. Me and
Luna Diviner 7
(If anyone remembers him) have been owning it pretty handily
wow good job i dont own the game but some f those achievements seemed crazy thats awesome you got them though. no i havent played versus but im gonna have to practise now and then well have to.... VERSUS
*STOP READING POSSIBLE SPOILER NOT REALLY I JUST DONT WANT YOU TO COMPLAIN* im not sure if you followed the RE story line but what did you think of 5. i didnt like that they just kinda went with the you didnt know this and then this is everything that happened. everything made sense,kinda, and it was a good storyline but idk whats your thoughts. also we should try not to post any spoilers or possible spoilers.
capncrunch said:
wow good job i dont own the game but some f those achievements seemed crazy thats awesome you got them though. no i havent played versus but im gonna have to practise now and then well have to.... VERSUS
*STOP READING POSSIBLE SPOILER NOT REALLY I JUST DONT WANT YOU TO COMPLAIN* im not sure if you followed the RE story line but what did you think of 5. i didnt like that they just kinda went with the you didnt know this and then this is everything that happened. everything made sense,kinda, and it was a good storyline but idk whats your thoughts. also we should try not to post any spoilers or possible spoilers.
Looks more like than a "conclusion". or they could try to return to the roots. Hey, i don't want to see resident evil renamed to "Lets fight bio-terrorists much like any generic shooting game"
anyone plays it on ps3?