I am confused about the rule: "The Grim Reaper will not cross the Portal of Power, as he is already present in the Inner Region."
Is he trapped in the Inner Region then? And how can he be in the Inner Region in the first place?
Thank you.
I am confused about the rule: "The Grim Reaper will not cross the Portal of Power, as he is already present in the Inner Region."
Is he trapped in the Inner Region then? And how can he be in the Inner Region in the first place?
Thank you.
He starts on the Portal of Power, not on the Inner Region (in there he is represented by the space Dice with Death). Reaper can move on the Outer and Middle Regions, but can't move from Middle to the Inner via Portal of Power as characters can. I'd assume this also prevents the Reaper from teleporting to a char in the Inner Region is someone rolls a 5 in the Reaper chart.
I see. Thank you!
So that "he" in the second sentence is not for the Reaper, but a character.
It's still debatable if teleporting by "5" equals crossing the Portal of Power. If so, Reaper's figure can't be present in the Inner Region at all.
Rimmer said:
So that "he" in the second sentence is not for the Reaper, but a character.
I think it's meant to be read as Reaper = Dice with Death. That's what's meant with "he is already present there". Just look at Reaper as a moving manifestation of Death. If you've played RPGs, those two are different avatars for the same being.
Aah. Now I get it. Thanks!