It seems way too easy to get hit in this Star Wars game.
Most combat rolls are simply a skill check against a very low difficulty. Personal combat is settled as skill vs range. Space combat is settled within range as skill vs size. There are small modifiers here and there in the form of d6s. Sometimes this comes off as feeling right. If Luke, Han, Chewie, and Leia are in the detention center of the Death Star and being chased by a squad of faceless storm troopers there's a sense of desperation. They need cover and distance. Standing out in the open guns blazing is too dangerous. I like it!
Then you've got the scenario of Luke and Darth Vader in a lightsaber fight. I know the right book isn't out yet, but they need some kind of sub-system to switch up combat. It's not right to just have them hack into eachother until one drops. Vader is strong and wears some effective armor, but in this game so far it's only that keeps him going. Luke is screwed. The way it should work instead is that skill with the blade should prolong the fight (with modifiers; Vader's strength, for example). The standard "skill vs range" model doesn't support this. That's a concern I'll have up until the Force book is out.
Then you've got another scenario of Han, Chewie, Leia, the droids, etc on Endor... surrounded by stormtroopers and Walkers in a desperate firefight. I don't see how with this system you can survive something like this. I could see those troopers as minion groups and the PCs able to pick them off with some regularity, but how are they going to survive being shot back at? With a little cover? While they remain at medium range? How can this be anything but a very short and very messy encounter? There are the rebel commandos and the ewoks too, but how much can the PCs expect to take? Should I just wait for Age of Rebellion for mass combat rules? Again, until then, I'm going to be worried about this game.
So far, there's not much skill involved in staying alive it doesn't seem. It seems like you just blast away at eachother until somebody drops. In the Star Wars films they like these long epic fights where the good guys look like heroes the entire time. The game seems like it wants a brief demolition derby where everybody is getting blown away left and right.
Edited by BaronVonStevie