Hey, everyone! I have a small group I play with who can't really stick to any campaign, so instead of playing official campaigns, I have to make my own, complex, difficult to make adventures that allow the players to feed their wanderlust. So, I've come up with a few adventures that allow them to take them up most any where, and that don't require a specific planet. These are classified as side adventures and encounters, side adventures being when you have a small adventure with the focus being fighting or negotiation, and encounters being random events where something random happens, or they participate in an event on their own will which turns out to be more adventurous.
For example, there's one where a side adventure where the players come out of hyperspace on a long route or at their destination to find a freighter being attacked by three pirate corvettes. The ship immediately sends a distress call, and guides the players to what to do, which is get in the ship and get past the pirates to free the engine so the ship can go into hyperspace. This turns out to be a Rebel ship if the first mate is pressed on the matter (the captain died in an explosion with half the crew). If you help them and go with them into hyperspace, they will award the players with a load of supplies worth 5,000 credits. They will also give the players a mission to help the Rebellion if the players wish to do so.
Then one of the encounters is where a Trandoshan approaches the group and asks the lead human how much he wants for any Wookiees or aliens. If the players actually sell another character, that player will have to escape the slavers lightly protected ship and space crew. If the players say no, the Trandoshan comes back with a small party to steal the players later. If the players follow the slaver, they can attack his ship (possibly in the middle of a slave revolt).
And if the players ever go to a theater, there can be an Ithorian drama about a love story during the Mandalorian war. At the end, the cast takes a bow, and behind stage someone tries to shoot the lead actor. The players, who are at the sides of the room, can notice him, and can try to stop him or point him out. If he's interrupted, he runs away. If he's shot at by a weapon a player snuck in, or pointed out, he slips and shoots the ceiling. If he isn't stopped, he ends up hitting a side actor (though it should seem as if that were his target). Then if the players investigate, it turns out that the man was hired by a loan shark who the lead actor owed him money, and the lead actor and his wife, the other lead actor (they're very passionate about acting, and always play roles as a couple) will admit that the lead actor has an obsession with Gizka, small frog like creatures.
If any one else has ideas for a free play campaign, post them here! I'll also try to post more adventures and encounters soon, and go more in depth with a few.